The results will show case and provide the basis for project management using these approaches

The purpose of the present study was not to assess how genotypic differences between the donor colonies affected fertilization rate, but aimed to investigate how many donor colonies are necessary to consistently achieve high fertilization rate. If the importance of allelic diversity of a population is taken into consideration, cross-fertilization with 10 colonies or more may be needed, but for practical nursery farming of sexually propagated corals, cross-fertilization with 6 or more colonies could be recommended in the laboratory. A rarefaction analysis of population genetic datasets conducted by Shearer et al.showed that >50% of the allelic diversity of a population could be retained by using gametes of 10 randomly sampled donor colonies,while 35 colonies would retain 90% of the original diversity. In practice however, it would be difficult and impractical to mix gametes from 35 gravid donor colonies to establish sexually propagated coral cultures. Since2006, juvenile colonies of Acropora tenuis cultured after mixing gametes from 6 or more donor colonies were out-planted at Majanohama.They spawned initially at 4 and 5-year-old .

Spawning has continued every year since 2009. Fertilization rates among these 6 cultured colonies were >98.4%that was similar to those measured in crosses of 3 wild colonies .In the present experiment, the number of donor colonies was limited to 6. It lacks replication and statistics,but shows evidence that fertilization rate increases with the number of donor colonies, as if there exists a threshold where the relationship reaches an asymptote. The purpose of the present study was not to assess how genotypic differences between the donor colonies affected fertilization rate, but aimed to investigate how many donor colonies are necessary to consistently achieve high fertilization rate. If the importance of allelic diversity of a population is taken into consideration, cross-fertilization with 10 colonies or more may be needed, but for practical nursery farming of sexually propagated corals,blueberry grow pot cross-fertilization with 6 or more colonies could be recommended in the laboratory. variables and build models that can be useful for predictive purposes as well as accounting for past events .Birth and McVey were among the first scientists to utilize remote sensing techniques to explore new areas of natural resource research. They evaluated the color of grass turf using a ratio of Near Infra-Red to red reflectance,and called it the turf color index. Their work utilized a two-filter instrument called Ratiospect to measure this index on eight samples of turf of three species. The high correlation coefficient confirmed a strong relationship between the Ratiospect readings and the visual score of turf color. This mathematical relationship gave birth to the development of computer simulations in ecosystems studies.Several studies have followed Birth and McVeyin utilizing satellite remote sensing to overcome natural resource monitoring challenges in terms of space and time.

One such study is the need for a better knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of surface water resources . Spatially, many sampling programs are limited to few locations, owing to factors such as lack of sufficient financial, institutional, and/or human resources. Hence, the need for a wider coverage of sampling points has been an area of active natural resource remote sensing application. Similar factors may also impede frequent monitoring programs. Such gaps in sampling periods may pose the risk of missing important incidents, such as flooding, and diminish the robustness of management strategies. Because of these limitations, researchers have explored new remote sensing tools to understand the mechanism of catchment changes over time.This work follows from those methodologies in the literature, postulating that Lands at spectral data can enable development of predictive models as early warning systems for impacts of land use changes in the Bumbuna watershed. The objective is to showcase the usefulness of Landsat data in providing scientifically proven evidence to pinpoint cause-effect relationships between land-use practices and land cover changes in the study area. To achieve this objective, this work will exemplify a regression algorithm relating water level fluctuations in the reservoir and spectral reflectance values of Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper and Landsat 8 Optical Land Imager .This work will lay the foundation for utilization of Landsat data to solve complex environmental problems in this data scarce region. Hence, future actions will not suffer from lack of information in clarifying land cover boundary limits and common interest. In addition, future predictive models from satellite studies will inform management strategies for biodiversity conservation. This is more obvious giving study findings of high species diversity of primates and other large mammals, birds, herptiles,butterflies, bats, and flora . This study utilized both manual level readings and in situ “Rugged TROLL” absolute pressure data loggers.