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Data-driven statistical approaches can provide complementary insight into these questions

Additionally, studies have found statistically significant negative associations between living in proximity to agriculture and adverse outcomes , but not with pesticide metabolite levels directly. Similarly counter intuitive results have illustrated that specific chemicals such as methyl bromide or OP pesticides have negative associations with some birth outcomes, but also unexpected positive associations for others.Large samples provide a powerful opportunity to control for various different demographic and environmental characteristics that may be obscuring the relationship between agricultural pesticide exposure and adverse birth outcomes in surrounding communities. Here we revisit the relationship between pesticide exposure and birth outcomes using a large sample of births , which includes individual-level data on maternal and birth characteristics, and pesticide exposure at a small geographical scale. We concentrate on the agriculturally dominated San JoaquinValley, California. California is the most populous state in the United States with roughly 12% of annual births. It is also the greatest user of pesticides with over 85 million kg applied annually, an amount equivalent to roughly 30% of the cumulative active ingredients applied to US agriculture. The San Joaquin Valley is the state’s most productive agricultural region, growing an abundance of high value, high chemical input, and labor-intensive fruit, vegetable, and nut crops. We evaluate pesticide exposure by summing active ingredients of agricultural pesticides applied over gestation, by trimester,round flower buckets and by grouped the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s acute toxicity categories, along with several additional robustness checks. For outcomes, we focus on birth weight, gestational age, and birth abnormalities.

Our sample of over 500 000 individual birth observations and fine-scale data on the timing and amount of pesticide applied allow us to detect statistically significant negative effects of pesticide exposure for all birth outcomes, but generally only for pregnancies exposed to the very highest levels of pesticides .To explore if either inaccuracies in geocoding or spillover of pesticides from surrounding areas contaminated our results we excluded births for mothers living within 200 m of a PLS Section boundary. We found a similar overall pattern of statistical significance as in the larger sample. Although the magnitude of the coefficients increased, the effects on birth weight and gestational length remained <1%, and the effects on the probability of low birth weight, preterm birth, and abnormalities were at most 13% higher for the high exposure group relative to the low exposure group . We also estimated the trimester model including pesticide use in the “fourth trimester” . As anticipated, exposure during the three months following birth did not have a significant effect on any outcomes observed at birth . This “placebo” analysis indicates that our empirical results are unlikely to be caused by omitted trends or factors that are correlated with both pesticide applications and infant health. To further ensure the robustness of our results and inference, we checked different exposure cutoffs as well as a continuous measure of exposure . The magnitude of effects was small and generally non-significant with the 75th percentile cutoff. Being in the top one percent of pesticide exposure led to an 11% increased probability of preterm birth, 20% increased probability of low birth weight, and ~30 g decrease in birth weight relative to lower exposure . We also evaluated models with different location fixed effects, different assumptions about clustering the standard errors to address spatial and temporal error correlation, different sample exclusion restrictions on gestational age and different calculations of trimester, as well as models with other environmental contaminants that can affect in utero infant health .

Although the exact magnitude and patterns of significance did change with these different models, all models consistently reported similar effect sizes. Overall, we report over 100 coefficients in the main text, of which 19 are significant. It is noteworthy that in all these tests, only a single significant coefficient in one model has the opposite sign from that expected. The fact that only one of roughly 20 statistically significant coefficients has the wrong sign is consistent with the notion that our empirical estimates are not plagued by omitted variable bias. Further, since we do not adjust p-values for multiple comparisons, the number of significant effects we report is an upper bound on the “true” number of significant effects. Applying a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons that accounts for five outcomes and up to five covariates of interest , the α-level for statistical significance would change from 0.05 to as small as 0.002 . The only three coefficients that remained statistically significant with this Bonferroni correction were those associated with a single covariate of interest, total pesticide exposure over the gestation . Of these, two were associated with preterm birth and one with log gestation .Concerns about the effects of harmful environmental exposure on birth outcomes have existed for decades. Great advances have been made in understanding the effects of smoking and air pollution, among others, yet research on the effects of pesticides has remained inconclusive. While environmental contaminants generally share the ethical and legal problems of evaluating the health consequences of exposure in a controlled setting and the difficulties associated with rare outcomes, pesticides present an additional challenge. Unlike smoking, which is observable, or even air pollution, for which there exists a robust network of monitors, publicly available pesticide use data are lacking for most of the world. As a result, studies have typically been either highly correlative at coarse resolutions or have included a small number of subjects. Both constraints make it difficult to assess whether residential agricultural pesticide exposure has no effector whether logistical and analytical barriers have obfuscated the identification of important effects. Our study bridges the gap between detail and scale by leveraging vast pesticide and birth data for the San Joaquin Valley, CA. Our study has far stronger statistical power to identify effects than previous studies owing to over a hundred thousand birth observations, individual maternal and birth characteristics, and the inclusion of fine-scale regional and temporal fixed effects .

As a result of our statistical design, we have the analytical power to identify extremely small, but statistically significant negative effects of pesticide exposure on several birth outcomes, if they occur. Furthermore, our study design and extensive pesticide data enable us to evaluate many details of the nature of pesticide exposure. For example, we can evaluate whether pesticide exposure in different trimesters or pesticides of different toxicity levels affected birth outcomes in different ways. Fetal susceptibility to environmental exposure varies through development. Similarly, different chemical toxicity can have different expected health outcomes. Here we focused on aggregate chemicals grouped into high and low toxicity pesticides by their EPA Signal Word, which reflects acute toxicity. Acute toxicity does not necessarily indicate impacts from long-term exposure. As such, chemicals suspected to cause negative birth outcomes, such as organophosphates or atrazine would be classified as low toxicity. Nevertheless, we consistently find effects of less than a 10% increase in adverse outcomes for individuals in the top 5% of exposure regardless of timing or toxicity of exposure, even though which effects are statistically significant depends on the model. Pesticide exposure has a highly skewed distribution in the San Joaquin Valley, where over half of births received no pesticides,plastic flower buckets wholesale the top quarter received about 250 kg and the top 5% received over 16 times that amount. Further, exposure to the top 25% levels had virtually no detectable effect whereas exposure to the top 1% had effects that were up to double the magnitude of effects observed for the top 5% of exposure. In other words, for most births, there is no statistically identifiable impact of pesticide exposure on birth outcome. Yet, for individuals in the top 5 percent of exposure, pesticide exposure led to 5–9% increases in adverse outcomes. The magnitude of effects were further enlarged for the top 1%, where these extreme exposures led to an 11% increased probability of preterm birth, 20% increased probability of low birth weight, and ~30 g decrease in birth weight. For perspective, other environmental conditions such as air pollution and extreme heat generally report a 5–10% increase in adverse birth outcomes, but from less extreme exposure. Similar magnitudes of effects are also observed for other, non-exposure conditions of pregnancy. For example, stress during pregnancy may increase the probability of low birth weight by ~6%, while enrollment in supplemental nutrition programs is estimated to reduce the probability of low birth weight by a similar amount. The significance of the negative effects of extreme pesticide exposure on birth outcomes is heightened by the fact that birth outcomes are persistent and costly. Reducing the incidence of adverse birth outcomes has obvious benefits for individuals, but also for society.

Healthier babies require less intensive care as infants, have better long term health and are higher achieving in terms of earnings and employment. Thus, even small reductions in adverse outcomes can economically offset societal investment in programs such as supplemental nutrition programs offered to millions of low-income women. Due to the concentration of negative outcomes at the very highest pesticide exposures, policies, and interventions that target the extreme right tail of the pesticide exposure distribution could largely eliminate the adverse birth outcomes associated with agricultural pesticide exposure documented in this study. As such, valuable and pressing future directions for research should focus on identifying the extreme pesticide users near human development and on the underlying causes for their extreme quantities of use. These insights are critical to designing appropriate and adaptive interventions for the population living nearby. For instance, crops vary dramatically in their average pesticide use. Commodities such as grapes receive nearly 50 kg ha−1 per year of insecticides alone in the San Joaquin Valley region, while other high value crops such as pistachios receive barely on third of that amount. Within these broad differences, there are also relevant differences among crops with regard to the chemical composition and seasonal timing of pesticide application. Finally, not all agricultural fields are in proximity to human settlement. Rather, as we illustrate, areas with consistent births and pesticides are a small fraction of the San Joaquin Valley. Thus, if extreme pesticide areas and vulnerable populations could be identified, strategies or interventions could be developed to mitigate the likelihood of extreme exposures. One further difficulty is isolating the roles of individual chemicals and their mixtures in driving the negative outcomes. Doing so is extremely challenging, because many chemicals are used in conjunction or in close spatial or temporal windows. Using a large scale data-driven approach could provide a starting point from which individual or community based studies could be built. For example, statewide birth certificate data could enable the identification of potential hot spots of negative birth outcomes while the Pesticide Use Reports provide a large sample of different pesticide mixtures. This could yield valuable information for targeting more detailed studies of individual exposures and difficult to observe outcomes towards regions and months of the highest concern. There are some important limitations to our study. As with other environmental contaminants, controlled experiments evaluating the effects of pesticide exposure on birth outcomes are impossible due to clear ethical and legal constraints. This presents challenges both for interpretation and estimation. With regard to interpretation, we cannot observe all individual adaptive responses to pesticide use, such as staying indoors to avoid exposure to pesticide. Further, we can only observe the effects on live births. As a result, our estimates reflect both the direct effect of exposure on live births and the mitigating effects of avoidance behaviors. With regard to identification and estimation, establishing causality without random assignment into pesticide exposure relies on quasi-experimental approaches, such as the panel data models used here with observational data. While there is no way to formally test if our methods have eliminated all sources of bias that preclude causal interpretation of the regression coefficients, our results are robust to multiple modeling approaches, including controlling for other environmental contaminants such as ambient concentration of pollutants and extreme temperatures. Similarly, we find no significant placebo effects of exposure in the 3 months following birth.Birth records do not fully capture adverse outcomes such as abnormalities that are difficult to observe at birth nor are they comprehensive with regards to socio-demographics. Measurement error on the outcome variable would not bias our estimates of the effects of pesticide exposure unless it was somehow correlated with pesticide use, yet it could reduce our precision and thus the likelihood of finding statistical significance.