Pesticide effects on soil microorganisms are difficult to evaluate because of the heterogeneous physical-chemical nature of soil, resulting in uncertainties about their distribution and fate within soil microsites. Previous studies on the effects of potential MeBr alternatives on the size, composition and activity of soil microorganisms are limited to one or a few fumigants, a relative short time period, and/or the laboratory . Recovery of microbial processes in the laboratory compared to the field may be reduced due to the absence of re-colonization by nonfumigated soils . Furthermore, the effect of alternative fumigants on soil microbial processes was studied on soils with a 10-year history of fumigation with MeBr + CP combinations followed by a 2 to 3 year break prior to the initiation of these field experiments at Watsonville and Oxnard, respectively. Consequently, results obtained from these soils with a long-term fumigation history may not apply to soils previously not fumigated . The results presented in this work are part of a longer study to evaluate application methods and efficacy of chemical MeBr alternatives to control weeds and pathogens in strawberry production systems in California, USA. The response of microbial performance to soil fumigation with InLine, CP, PrBr and Midas relative to the standard MeBr + CP application and a control soil was determined at 1, 4, and 30 weeks after fumigation in 2000, the first year of the study. Fumigation initially inhibited microbial respiration, nitrification potential, and activities of dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase and arylsulfatase . After 30 weeks,black plastic plant pots wholesale microbial activities in fumigated and control soils were similar at both sites, with exception of acid phosphatase and arylsulfatase activities in selected treatments that remained lower in the fumigated soils.
Soil microbial biomass C and β-glucosidase activity were not affected by fumigation with MeBr + CP and alternatives throughout the whole study period in the first year . This paper focused on the effects of repeated soil fumigation with MeBr + CP, PrBr, InLine, Midas, and CP on the size and activity of soil microorganisms and hydrolytic enzymes, which control the degradation of organic substances and the rate at which nutrient elements become available for plants . Microbial respiration was significantly decreased in Oxnard soils fumigated with MeBr + CP, but not affected by the four selected alternative fumigants at both sites. In this study, microbial respiration showed a low sensitivity to detect changes in soil microbial activity due to repeated application of the standard MeBr + CP combination and alternative fumigants. This finding is in contrast with the high sensitivity of respiration measurements to treatment of soils with heavy metals and pesticides . Significant lower respiration rates in Oxnard soils fumigated with MeBr+ CP compared to recently not fumigated control soils however, may indicate a decreased biological activity. Soil fumigation had no significant effect on microbial biomass C, and the results for microbial biomass N were inconsistent over the two experimental locations. Therefore, the effects of soil fumigation on total microbial biomass content provided little information on possible changes in the size of microbial populations. The overall low response of microbial biomass and respiration to repeated soil fumigation may be related to selected effect on sensitive microbial populations and the growth of resistant species. The latter may feed on cell debris, leading to restructuring of soil microbial populations as indicated elsewhere . Selected specialized bacteria may also use the fumigants as a source of carbon and energy, as documented for agricultural soils repeatedly subjected to MeBr fumigation . The effect of soil fumigation on the activities of dehydrogenase, β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase and arylsulfatase varied among the soil enzymes and within the two study sites. At the Watsonville site, soil fumigation with alternative fumigants generally had no significant effect on the activities of the four soil enzymes studied over the twoyear study period.
These results suggest that biochemical reactions involved in organic matter degradation and P mineralization were affected by fumigation to a greater extent than were those reactions reflecting the general oxidative capabilities of microbial communities or involved in S mineralization in soils. In contrast, at the Oxnard site, β- glucosidase and acid phosphatase activities were relatively stable towards repeated soil fumigation, but dehydrogenase activity was significantly decreased by MeBr + CP. The reasons for these site-related variations in the response of soil enzyme activities to soil fumigants remain unclear. The two study sites showed very similar soil physical and chemical properties, such as clay and organic C contents. Variations may have occurred in the actual soil moisture content and temperature at the time of fumigation, which were proved to be crucial for the efficacy of pesticide applications . The results also suggest that the four alternative fumigants had no longer-term impact on enzyme reactions involved in organic matter turnover and nutrient cycling in soil. The inhibitory and/or activation effects of any compound in a soil matrix on enzyme activity are largely controlled by the reactivity of clay and humic colloids . The finding that MeBr + CP and the alternative fumigants led to a greater inhibition of the activities of the reference enzymes than that of soils suggests that free enzymes are more sensitive to soil fumigation than enzymes that are associated with the microbial biomass or enzymes adsorbed to clay or humic colloids. Ladd and Butler hypothesized that some enzymes are stabilized in the soil environment by complexes of organic and mineral colloids and therefore are partially protected from denaturation by fumigation. Similar results were observed for acid phosphatase, β-glucosidase and arylsulfatase in chloroform fumigated soils . Furthermore, reference enzymes were purified from one source for each protein, whereas soil enzymes derive from various sources leading to a set of isoenzymes [i.e., enzymes that catalyze the same reaction but may differ in origin, kinetic properties or amino acid sequencing ].
Different isoenzymes in the reference material and soil may also have contributed to variation in enzyme stability towards fumigation with different pesticides. In order to show whether there is a direct relationship between the activity of any enzyme and its protein concentration in soil enzyme protein concentrations were calculated for acid phosphatase, β-glucosidase and arylsulfatase in the nonfumigated and fumigated soils. Specific enzyme protein concentrations were suggested to serve as a suitable measure to quantify the effects of environmental changes related to soil management, fertilization or pesticide application on soil biological properties . These numbers are indented to give an indication of enzyme protein concentrations in soils, not a precise measurement. Generally, lower enzyme protein concentrations in recently fumigated soils compared to control soils suggest that fumigation with MeBr + CP and the alternative biocides denatured the accumulated fraction of this enzyme protein in soil or was lethal to that portion of microorganisms that is the major source of the specific enzymes studied. The response of enzyme protein concentrations, however,black plastic plant pots bulk varied within the enzyme and fumigant studied. Even though the arylsulfatase protein concentration was comparable high among the three soil enzymes, it showed the lowest activity values in soils. These results suggest that arylsulfatase has a lower catalytic activity than acid phosphatase or β- glucosidase or is associated with locations in soil different from those of the other two enzymes. Our results suggest that the activity rate of any enzyme does not necessarily correspond to the protein concentration of this enzyme in a soil. In conclusion this study has shown that microbial and enzymatic processes were not affected by soil fumigation with the alternative pesticides propargyl bromide, InLine, Midas and chloropicrin in the longer term. Fumigation with the standard methyl bromidechloropicrin combination significantly affected some enzymatic processes in soil. However, results were inconsistent over the two study sites. These findings imply that the application of alternative fumigants will not affect the longer-term productivity of agricultural soils because hydrolytic enzymes regulate the rate at which organic materials are degraded and become available for plants. Despite the importance of these findings for strawberry production systems with a history of soil fumigation as a pest control tool, results may not apply to soils previously not fumigated. Further studies should test whether soil fumigation with these alternatives is affecting microbial and enzymatic processes relative to soils without fumigation history and other functional properties and the structural diversity of microbial communities. Animal agriculture causes many unsustainable, destructive problems on individuals, the environment, and the economy. These problems stem from animal agriculture on a broad scale and on a small scale – globally and at the University of California, Merced. Globally, animal agriculture causes deforestation, species extinction, drought, disease, ocean dead zones, greenhouse gas emissions — more than all transportation combined — water and air pollution, and global warming . Because the University of California, Merced has pledged to consume zero net energy, produce zero waste, and zero net greenhouse gas emissions –– referred to as “triple zero” –– these issues should come to light when the University of California, Merced talks about their 2020 Project .
However, these problems have been neglected and thus, by supporting a plant based diet, the University can model a sustainable environment, healthy faculty and students –– free from high levels of stress, anxiety, and disease, caused by unhealthy food options –– and the ultimate “triple zero”. Not offering healthier food causes busy students and faculty to either choose unhealthy food, that affects them physically and mentally, or skip eating; thus, leaving them with distorted eating. Students that are healthy both mentally and physically can put their full effort in their studies, as the type of food that students eat directly relates to their ability to produce their highest quality of work. Previous studies demonstrate how plant-based diets can lower stress, anxiety, and depression levels . Unfortunately, with the type of food offered in the cafeterias at the University, many students find themselves trapped in a spiraling downfall – mentally and physically – that leads to the inability to stay focused, increased stress and anxiety, and may lead to life threatening diseases and disorders, such as eating disorders. According to many nutritionists, diets lacking a significant amount of fruits and vegetables cause short-term effects including a lack of energy and focus and long-term effects including increased risks of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, cancer, and many other ailments . If students were able to eat a more plant-based diet – a diet free from meat, dairy, eggs, and any other animal byproducts such as honey and gelatin – and had access to a surplus of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, then many of these problems could become extinct . If a vegan diet can show physical and mental health improvement in individuals at the university level, then eating disorders, stress, and anxiety – along with many other ailments – could potentially be reduced. The amount of destruction that animal agriculture does to the planet, to environments and to species is devastating, as animal agriculture is the root problem for the worlds increasing temperatures, species extinction, deforestation, and water quality. As many previous studies have shown, animal agriculture drains the earth of major resources . Animal agriculture enables the destruction of rain forests, ocean dead-zones, drought, production of greenhouse gases, and the “murder” of over six million animals every hour . An abundance of research supports the idea that animal agriculture –– industrial and free-range –– is unsustainable. While free-range farming is considered “better” than industrial farming it still causes many environmental, personal, and economical destructions . Farmers have forgotten that the methods of production determine the final value of their products; as results show that industrial farming increases the amount of food and money wasted, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, species extinction, disease and poor food quality . In the United States alone, animals raised for food excrete 7 million pounds of waste every minute. This waste gets dumped into rivers and toxins are released into the air, destroying water and air purity. The drought in California is greatly due to the amount of water used by animal agriculture, because the animal agriculture industry uses 34 trillion gallons of water and 660 gallons to produce a single hamburger .