Tag Archives: greenhouse

Secure land increased farmers’ decision to participate in social groups by 30 percent

Six indices of social capital among the cocoa-based farming households are identified.The density of membership to associations is 0.636, which means that cocoa-based farming households belong to 6 out of 10 associations.Households belong to various associations in order to promote and protect their business interests.The degree of heterogeneity is considerably high in the area of study.This suggests heterogeneous characteristics such as different ethnicities, occupations, religion and neighbourhoods among the cocoa-based farming households.The decision-making value is fairly high in the associations, which implies that most of the cocoa farming household members are actively involved in decision making within the social group they belong.The meeting attendance value is 0.318, which means that the cocoa-based farming households do not attend most of the scheduled statutory meetings.This could be attributed to the fact that the households trekked an average of 0.70 km to designated meeting points.Hence, they only attend meetings whenever important decisions are to be made.The cash contribution value is 0.652, which means that the cash commitment to associations by cocoa-based farming households is relatively high.This shows that cocoa-based farming households are committed to contributing cash to their respective associations.Also, labour contribution has a value of 0.541, which means that the mean labour contribution is 54 days annually.This result compares favourably with Ajani and Tijani.The aggregate social capital, which is the multiplicative value of density of membership, heterogeneity index and decision-making index is 0.568.The result shows that a fairly high level of social capital exists among cocoa farming households in the study area.The factors that influenced the decision to participate in social groups are shown in Table 3.These characteristics include asset, age, years of education, gender, farm size,ebb and flow trays land tenure, loan interest rate, and extension visit.

The negative signs of marginal effects reduce probability of household participation in social groups while positive signs increase the probability of participation.Assets of households significantly affects the probability of participating in social groups.An additional unit of households’ asset decreased the decision to participate in social groups by 10.9 percent.This implies that increase in asset ownership decreases probability to participate in social groups.The age of household head significantly affected the probability of participating in social groups.A year increase in age of household head increased the decision to participate in social groups by 54.8 percent.This could be attributed to the fact that social groups might prefer older farmers to their younger counterparts, because older farmers are more responsible and secured to participate.In addition, due to some cultural beliefs in Africa, younger people might be prevented from participating in social groups.Years of education of household head significantly affected the probability of participating in social groups.An increase in years of education of household head increased the decision to participate in social groups by 7.7 percent.This implies that education gives farmers the ability to access and comprehend information regarding the terms and conditions required to participate in social groups.The gender of household head significantly affected the probability of participating in social groups.A male household head increased the decision to participate in social groups by 17 percent.This could be attributed to the fact that male headed families are willing to take more risk than female headed families.In addition, due to some social-cultural values and norms of Africans, male farmers have more freedom to participate in different social groups compared to the female farmers.The farm size of household significantly affected the probability of participating in social groups.An increase in hectares of farm size increased the decision to participate in social groups by 28 percent.The result implies that farmers with large farms possess the ability and collateral to participate in social groups.Land tenure status of household head significantly affected the probability of participating in social groups.This could serve as a push factor to participate in social groups in order to put resources to optimum use.

Loan interest rate significantly affected the probability of participating in social groups.A one percent increase in interest rate decreased the decision to participate in social groups by 46.6 percent.This implies that high interest rate constitutes a hindrance to loan access.Extension contacts significantly affected the probability of participating in social groups.A contact of household with extension agents increased the decision to borrow by 5.4 percent.This is because extension services could provide farmers with essential information regarding participation in social groups.The results of the factors influencing cocoa-based farming households’ level of participation in social capital groups are presented in Table 3.These include age of household head, years of education, membership in agricultural organization, off farm income, land tenure, interest rate, distance to credit sources, extension visits, decision making, cash contribution, and labour contribution.The age of household head significantly affected level of participation in social groups.A year increase in age of household head increased the level of participation in social groups by 3.164 units.This could be ascribed to the fact that as farmers get older, they become more productive and increase their level of participation in social groups.Years of education of household head significantly affected level of participation in social groups.An increase in years of education of household head increased the level of participation in social groups by 0.662 units.This is because education equips farmers to make informed decisions about their level of participation in social groups.Membership in agricultural organisations significantly affected level of participation in social groups.Being a member of agricultural organisation increased the level of participation in social groups by 2.085 units.This is attributed to the fact that membership in an agricultural organisation increases access to credit.Non-farm income significantly affected level of participation in social groups.An increase in non-farm income of households decreased the level of participation in social groups by 0.041 units.This is because farmers that earn substantial amounts of non-farm income would less likely need external funds.Land tenure significantly affected level of participation in social groups.Households with secure land increased the level of participation in social groups by 1.858 units.This could serve as a push factor to farmers to increase their level of participation in social groups.

Loan interest rate significantly affected level of participation in social groups.A one percent increase in loan interest rate decreased the level of participation in social groups by 1.225 units.High interest rates constitute a hindrance to the level of participation in social groups.Distance to credit source significantly affected level of participation in social groups.A kilometre increase in the distance to credit source decreased the level of participation in social groups by 0.010 units.Farmers who live near the social group’s designated building have a location advantage, which increases their level of participation in social groups.Extension visits significantly affected level of participation in social groups.Households’ contact with extension agents increased the level of participation in social groups by 0.768 units.Extension services provide essential information to farmers regarding participation in social groups.Decision-making significantly affected level of participation in social groups.An increased unit of the decision-making index increased the level of participation in social groups by 1.424 units.This is ascribed to the fact that decision making keeps individuals abreast of the association’s benefits.Cash contribution significantly affected level of participation in social groups.A naira increase in cash contribution increased the level of participation in social groups by 9.923 units.This implies cocoa-based farming households who made adequate financial contributions to social groups have access to substantial amounts of credit compared to households who did not.Labour contribution significantly affected level of participation in social groups.An increase in labour contribution increased the level of participation in social groups by 3.353 units.This implies that cocoa-based farming households who make adequate labour contributions in social groups have access to substantial amounts of credit compared to households who do not.To test for validity of the instrumental variables used in the 3SLS estimation procedure, a correlation analysis between aggregate social capital, farm productivity and food security with the proposed instruments was carried out.The proposed instruments were length of residency, charity donation, membership in religious group,4×8 flood tray and membership in ethnic groups.The results of the correlation analysis are presented in Table 4.The membership in ethnic groups has significant correlations with aggregate social capital, but an insignificant correlation with farm productivity and food security.It also has the highest correlation coefficient with the social capital.This conforms to the findings of Adepoju and Oni.

The basic model is shown in the first column of Table 6.The rationale behind this model is to examine the farm productivity of the households while they are not involved in social capital activities.The Chi2 showed that the econometric modelling is appropriate and correctly specified.Age of household head significantly influenced farm productivity of the cocoabased farming households.This implies that a unit increase in age of household head decreased households’ farm productivity by 0.836 kg/₦.This is attributed to the fact that ability to do farm work and farm output reduces with ageing.Household size significantly influenced farm productivity of the cocoa-based farming households.This implies that a unit increase in household size increased households’ farm productivity by 0.865 kg/₦.This is attributed to the fact that family labour available for farming could increase farm output.The results agree with Atagher.Primary and secondary education significantly influenced households’ farm productivity.The implication of this is that a unit increase in primary and secondary education increased households’ farm productivity by 0.014 and 0.113 kg/₦, respectively.This could be traced to the fact that education empowers farmers to access required skills and to utilise existing resources on the farm to boost their productivity.Farm size significantly influenced farm productivity of the cocoa-based farming households.This implies that a unit increase in the farm size increased households’ farm productivity by 0.214 kg/₦.This is ascribed to the fact that resources on large farms would increase farm productivity.Interest rate significantly influenced farm productivity of the cocoa-based farming households.This implies that a percentage increase in interest rate decreased households’ farm productivity by 0.346 kg/₦.This is because high interest rate discourages farmers from applying for loans and the amount of the loans farmers receive.Correspondingly, this reduces the quantity and quality of farm inputs that the farmer buys and negatively affects productivity farmer.Loan time lag significantly influenced farm productivity of the cocoa-based farming households.This implies that a unit increase in loan time lag decreased households’ farm productivity by 0.660 kg/₦.This is because long loan time lags would delay the procurement of a loan, which implies that farm inputs will not be available to the cocoa farmers at the right time, quantity and quality.This affects productivity of the farmers due to the seasonal nature of agriculture.This model suggests that households’ social-economic characteristics, farm specific and credit variables play a significant role in improving farm productivity.The second column of Table 6 shows the inclusion of six additive forms of social capital variables identified in this study.These include density of membership, decision making, cash contribution, labour contribution, meeting attendance and heterogeneity.The rationale behind the model is to examine the farm productivity of the households while they are involved in social capital activities.This new model has a better farm productivity level as reflected in a Chi2 of 45.34.This suggests that households’ farm productivity improve as members become involved in the affairs of their social groups.This model shows that the effect of social capital on farm productivity can be traced to meeting attendance, decision making, membership density, and cash contribution.This finding is line with the findings of Balogun et al..Meeting attendance significantly influenced farm productivity of the cocoa-based farming households in the study area.This implies that a unit increase in attendance of meetings increased households’ farm productivity by 6.959 kg/₦.This is because farmers who recurrently attended group meetings have access to resources and information to improve their productivity.Decision making significantly influenced farm productivity of the cocoa-based farming households.This implies that a unit increase in active participation in decision of the group decreased households’ farm productivity by 4.824kg/₦.This means that farmers’ involvement in association matters is of no benefit to their farm productivity.Density of membership significantly influenced farm productivity of the cocoa-based farming households.This implies that a unit increase in the number of groups to which a farmer belongs increases productivity by 0.450 kg/₦.This is attributed to the fact that farmers’ commitment in many social groups enhances their access to loans, which can be used to increase their productivity.

Pollination is critically important for sustaining the world’s terrestrial biota

Geomembranes are generally welded in the field.The seam is considered a critical point for possible injuries and future leaks in the barrier system.Rollin et al.reported that the total number of faults in geomembranes occurred in landfills, ponds and basins, and 55% of them were found at the seams.Stark et al.evaluated seams made by industry and in the field of a polyolefin geomembrane for a water reservoir project.According to the authors, the seams made by industry can minimize dirt and moisture in the seam, ambient temperature changes and wind.After good statistical data work, the results of this research showed that the seams made by industry were 9% stronger than field seams for peel strength and 10% stronger for shear strength.Moreover, seams according to industry data showed less variability.Lavoie et al.evaluated two different HDPE geomembrane samples exhumed from a municipal landfill leachate pond and a sewage treatment aeration pond.The authors conducted thermal, physical and mechanical analyses.The thermogravimetric analyses showed an altered decomposition behavior for the landfill leachate pond sample, probably caused by the interaction with the leachate.The sewage pond sample presented low stress cracking resistance and low tensile elongation at break, compatible with the dynamic mechanic analysis , which showed an increase in the stiffness.Ewais and Rowe studied an HDPE geomembrane with 1.0 mm of the thickness of about five years immersed in synthetic leachate at different temperatures and in air and water at 55 ◦C.The authors observed changes in the sample’s stress crack resistance values before chemical degradation and before antioxidant depletion for temperatures lower than 70 ◦C.The major SCR value decrease was noted for the sample immersed in leachate at 55 ◦C, reaching 26% of the SCR value of the virgin sample.

This behavior was attributed to morphological changes during aging that affected the interlamellar connections due to the annealing that increased the strength of the inter-lamellar connections and the proposed chain disentanglement mechanism.HDPE geomembranes are often utilized as a flow barrier in landfills, mining facilities, canals, waste liquid ponds,mobile vertical farm and farm ponds.This research evaluated three exhumed high-density polyethylene geomembrane samples from two different shrimp farming ponds after 8.25 years of field exposure for the first pond and 3.0 years of field exposure for the second pond.Thermoanalytical and physical analyses were used to understand the final conditions of the HDPE geomembrane samples.Analyses such as thickness, density, carbon black content, melt flow index , tensile properties, stress crack resistance, oxidative-induction time , thermogravimetry,differential scanning calorimetry,and dynamic mechanical analysis were performed.Using an HDPE geomembrane as a liner of a shrimp farming pond is limited to some places globally, such as the northeast region of Brazil.This work aims to provide new data on the HDPE geomembrane performance in shrimp farming pond applications.This work evaluated three high-density polyethylene geomembrane samples exhumed from two different shrimp farming ponds in the northeast of Brazil with 0.8 mm of nominal thicknesses.The samples called “CAM” and “CAM1′′ represent the same geomembrane installed in a shrimp farming pond and were collected after 8.25 years of field exposure.The CAM sample was exhumed from the bottom liner and had been in contact with the salinized water.The CAM1 sample was exhumed from the same pond as the CAM sample, but it was taken from the slope liner and had been in contact for 8.25 years with environmental conditions.The third sample was exhumed from another shrimp farming pond after 3.0 years of service.This pond has the particularity of being covered with an agricultural plastic film.Figs.1 and 2 show, respectively, the shrimp farming pond representing the CAM and CAM1 samples and the shrimp farming pond representing the CAM2 sample.Table 1 presents the salinized water parameters used for shrimp cultivation.

However, nesting habitats and foraging resources for pollinating insects have decreased severely due to intensification in agricultural landscapes.Developing effective mitigation tools to counteract pollinator losses is essential for satisfactory pollinator diversity and sustainable agriculture.In Europe, agri-environment schemes are among the most valuable instruments to reduce the pressure of agriculture on the environment.The new Common Agricultural Policy of the EU also aims at increasing their share by targeting one-fourth of the direct payments to subsidise eco-schemes.AES offer two main tool types to support biodiversity and thus pollination, i.e.productive and non-productive schemes.Organic farming is one of the most favoured productive management systems where farming intensity is reduced with a preference for mechanical methods over agrochemicals.In their meta-analysis, Tuck et al.found that organic farming increased overall species richness by 30 %, with plants benefiting the most.Pollinator insects also profit from organic farming.Flower strips are flower-rich non-crop landscape features created at arable field edges.The annual or perennial strips are formed to enhance invertebrate pest control and pollination by providing forage, shelter, and nesting places.As AES schemes differ in concept, they should be evaluated against each other to prioritise them for benefits to biodiversity.Functional trait-based assessments offer an effective tool for studying community functionality, redundancy and stability in agroecosystems.Different management types can support various arthropod taxa by maintaining specific plant functional traits and high functional trait diversity.Plant traits associated with visibility, quantity, and quality of floral resources are the most important traits shaping pollinator communities.For example, plants with large, conspicuous inflorescences attract pollinators efficiently , while floral patterns resulting from UV reflection are also important signals to several major pollinator groups.Nectar is the primary reward for pollination; therefore, spatial and temporal variation in nectar volume influences pollinator behaviour and survival.As land-use significantly affects pollination-related flower traits , their diversity can indicate the quality and quantity of floral resources and can be used to evaluate AES schemes for pollinators.Different field parts with different management regimes can support biodiversity and pollination to varying degrees.The interior of arable fields covers the largest area of agricultural landscapes; therefore, its ecological condition may be decisive for biodiversity at the landscape scale.Intensive management within field interiors favours plants with ruderal strategies , and selects for species with early flowering and selfing.Crop edges are also shown to be keystone transitional zones for pollinators and support increased plant diversity compared to field interiors as they are expected to contain both typical arable weeds and species originating from grassy margins.

Linear non-crop landscape elements such as grassy margins along field edges are less intensively managed than field interiors and also provide important shelter and forage resources for various taxa in agricultural landscapes.The overall performance of AES schemes on pollination should be quantified by assessing all characteristic parts of the agricultural fields.Landscape-scale factors should also be considered beside local factors when studying the effects of AES schemes on pollinators and their services.The effectiveness of AES varies by landscape heterogeneity that has two main components.Compositional heterogeneity describes the relative amount of habitats in the landscape, whereas configurational heterogeneity refers to their spatial arrangement.Most studies assessed the effect of landscape composition on pollinator communities and found that pollinator abundance and richness were higher in landscapes comprising more high-quality habitats.The role of landscape configuration is less studied, though it may also be very important as landscapes with smaller fields have higher structural connectivity and more edges providing more floral resources for pollinators.Given this research gap, here we focus on the role of the less studied configurational heterogeneity by assessing landscape-scale mean arable field size.Our study presents a trait-based approach to estimate the potential of two agri-environmental schemes to support pollinators based on floristic composition.For this, we studied plant traits associated with pollinator attraction and reward accessibility.We calculated community-weighted trait means and functional trait diversity in organic and conventional winter wheat fields complemented with sown flower strips and compared them to conventional fields along a gradient of landscape configurational heterogeneity.We tested whether management intensity and landscape heterogeneity select for specific pollination-related plant traits, and result in differing trait diversity by using literature data on species traits.Our specific hypotheses were the following: Pollination-related plant trait diversity is reduced with increasing mean field size within the landscape.Flower strips and organic farming maintain functionally more diverse plant trait composition than control conventional fields.Pollination-related plant trait diversity decreases from grassy margins to field interiors in both conventional and organic fields.We considered only insect-pollinated plant species that may attract pollinators and provide nectar resources.We assessed the following traits: flower size, flower colour, UV pattern in the flower,vertical farming racks reward quantity, and flowering duration.Trait values were collected from the BiolFlor database and identification books.Flower size was expressed as flower diameter.For zygomorphic flowers, the mean of the longest and shortest diameter was calculated.In the case of compact inflorescences that can be regarded as one functional pollination unit, we used the size of the whole inflorescence.We expressed flower colours on a continuous wavelength scale.White-flowered species got the mean value of the visible light spectrum.The presence of UV pattern in the flower was treated as a binary variable.In the case of reward quantity, we considered only nectar resources because of no available information about pollen resources for the majority of the species.Nectar quantity was provided on an ordinal scale with four categories.

The average flowering duration was coded as a continuous variable.For each transect, we calculated the total number and average percentage cover of insect-pollinated plant species.We quantified transect-level community-weighted means for each trait by averaging trait values weighted by species abundance.We tested the effects of management type , transect position , mean field size on the species richness and cover of insect-pollinated plant species, Rao’s quadratic entropy and the CWM and FD values for each trait by using linear mixed-effects models.We used generalized mixed-effects models for species richness with Poisson error distribution and log link function.For each response variable, we started with a model with all two-way interactions of the fixed effects and then selected the minimum adequate model from all possible nested models with the minimum Akaike Information Criterion value.The effect of years was not assessed per se but was treated as a random effect in the analyses.The field, farmer, and landscape identities were also used as random effects nested within each other and crossed with year.We used log transformation for cover values and square root transformation for CWM and FD values if necessary to fulfil test assumptions.We restricted our assessment on those 151 transects that harboured at least one insect-pollinated plant species for flower colour analyses to have meaningful results.We derived marginal and conditional coefficients of determination of the models to estimate the variance explained by the fixed effects and the entire model including both fixed and random effects using the MuMIn.We conducted multiple GLMM tests, therefore, we controlled for the false discovery rate.Post hoc pairwise comparisons were made with the em means package , and were presented in the figures.All analyses were conducted in the R environment.We found that flower strips and organic farming outperformed conventionally farmed fields, as they had the highest insect pollinated plant species richness and supported higher trait diversity favourable for pollinators.Flower strips were superior with the highest cover of insect-pollinated plants and the highest ratio of flowers showing UV patterns.Although annual flower strips doubled the insect-pollinated plant species richness in the grassy margins, the benefits of flower strips completely diminished in neighbouring field interiors.In contrast, organic field interiors could be considered the most favourable pollinator habitat among the studied field interiors based on plant pollination traits.Thus organic farming can enhance pollinators at a larger spatial scale with more environmentally friendly crop production on the whole area of the arable land.We did not find any effect of configurational heterogeneity expressed as mean arable field size.We showed that organic farming outperformed conventional farming practices regarding insect-pollinated species richness, flower attractiveness, and food resources provided for pollinators.This is primarily due to lower overall farming intensity in organic fields.Even organic field interiors offer abundant and diverse flower resources to pollinators compared to conventional farms.Thus, we can consider organic farming the most beneficial method based on pollinators’ resources.In contrast, intensively managed conventional fields supported the lowest richness of insect-pollinated plant species showing that only a few plant species could establish here randomly.Annual flower strips sustained the most favourable vegetation for pollinators, considering the quantity and quality of flower resources.They had six times higher cover of insect-pollinated plants than the edges of the other two farming methods.

Features that focus on pigs vary from features of live pigs to features of meat

We assessed that the first 50 publications contain sufficient information for answering the research questions and thus were used as exclusion criteria. The primary studies with their authors and publication year are included in the appendix . To get insight into the relevance of the topic for this SLR, the results of the broad and narrow search results are grouped by year of publication and presented in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, respectively. When looking at the number of primary studies published for the broad search query, it seems that there are downward trends in 2010 and between 2014 and 2018. This is however due to the high number of publications that were found and the exclusion criteria that affected publication in those years disproportionately. Many publications were excluded because they were outside of the 50 most relevant publications. However, there is a consistent and sharp increase in the number of publications since 2018 both for the narrow and broad search queries. To get insight into the focus of the primary studies, we have categorized the studies by topic . The categories clearly indicate that majority of the studies were on pig health. Most studies focussed on the presence, spread, or outbreak of diseases, and few studies focussed on the causes and prevention of boar taint. In the selected primary studies, pig health and the performance of pig production were researched often. The production performance was investigated by analysing various parameters, such as the DNA of pigs,rolling bench fat composition of pig meat, meat quality, and muscle thickness. This shows that the production performance of pig farming was mostly measured using the attributes of the meat measured after the animals are slaughtered. Besides pig health and pig production results, other topics were researched.

Several feeding strategies have been developed and evaluated. Further, research was done to test if the origin of meat could be traced and on-farm environmental influencers, such as disease spread in manure and temperature effects on pigs. The narrow search query focused more on the application of ML and the topics of research are summarised in Table 7. According to the search results, most of the research focussed on performance related issues, such as pig performance, feeding strategy, and genetics. Pig health is the second most researched area, focusing mainly on diseases. The trend of using ML for disease detection through image and video analysis is reflected in the number of primary studies found on this topic. Pig detection and behaviour analysis were also performed using ML. Feeding strategy was analysed using basic statistical analysis and using ML. There were also primary studies that focus on detecting the origin of meat, detecting stress in pigs. A detailed description of the topics of research per primary study is shown in Appendix B. As can be seen in Table 8, a variety of data were used for research in the pork industry. Data were largely collected from body and tissue . The rest of the data reported refers largely to measurements of the external characteristics of the animals and their living environment or feed . There were also primary studies that used data on manure and micro-arrays. The type of data used per primary study is shown in Appendix E. The results of the analysis of data from the second search query focused on the application of ML to pig farming are shown in Table 9. The table shows the widely used features used in research. The features used can be grouped into features on pigs and features on climatic conditions.Pork meat information, images and recordings, growth, occupancy and reproduction, genetics, and pig movement have been used to build and validate models. The features on climatic data consist of data about indoor or outdoor climatic conditions, or both. Data used in those primary studies consist of outside temperature, indoor temperature, and relative humidity. The features used per primary study are shown in Appendix H.

The location of data gathering provides insight into the main sources of research data. We have categorized the locations where data are gathered into groups , which shows that most of the data is gathered at farms and slaughterhouses. The farms were sometimes conventional farms where a specific group of animals was monitored closely; other times, they were experimental farms used for precisely monitoring growing conditions and pig behaviour. Slaughterhouses serve as one of the main data gathering locations. The quality and composition of meat are important indicators of production performance; therefore, data from slaughterhouses where these indicators are routinely measured, are important sources of data. Other locations of data gathering for research include laboratories , externally collected data, previous research, or large database where data are shared. Further, data was collected at distribution centres, urban abattoirs, and there was a case of data from a virtual simulation. The data gathering location per primary study is shown in Appendix C. To get an overview of data analysis methods used in the primary studies, the algorithms or principles used were calculated as shown in Table 11. Least squares regression was used most often, followed by logistic regression. The primary studies found by the broad search query did not often use complex algorithms; instead, they applied variations of the linear regression model. All data analysis methods used are shown in Appendix F. All primary studies found by the second search query used ML algorithms. Random forest algorithm was used most, followed by neural networks and support vector machine, as is shown in Table 12. Compared to the primary studies found by the broad search query, those found by the narrow search query used more complex analysis models.

The algorithms used per publication are shown in Appendix G. Eight studies using models based on random forest and/or neural networks recorded an R-squared accuracy scoring higher than 0.7. The challenges stated include difficulty in scaling into large-scale farms due to differences in the environment between the experimental setup and large scale farm, and other features that influence the performance. Table 13 shows what has been studied, and if the research subjects were pigs, it shows the size of the group of pigs studied. A total of 26 primary studies considered live pigs, from which measurements were made. The number of pigs used for research varies significantly, from 5 to 908,582 pigs. Three primary studies considered farms as a whole, focusing on the growing environment of the pigs. Further, data on meat quality and faecal samples were used by some studies. There were also studies that used externally collected data, virtual experimental data, RNA pools, and liver pasts. Appendix D shows the research group types and sizes per primary study. Much research has been using data on genetics, pig breeds, meat quality after processing, disease recognition, and factors influencing diseases. Research that focused on the prevention of negative aspects of the final product is, for example, research done on boar taint and the attempt to reduce it. Boar taint in meat results in a lower price for the carcass. A variety of challenges have been stated in the studies regarding ML. The largest challenge is making the algorithms perform consistently high for all situations. Many studies reported that it was feasible to define a well performing model for the specific research setup and condition the model is trained and tested on but it was in general not possible to guarantee the same level of performance in practice. Mostly, more data and more features are required in order to improve the overall performance of the models developed.The original aim of this study was to review the literature on the use of advanced data analytics techniques in real-life business scenarios. We tried diverse search strings in order to find studies that are not based on experimental set-up be based on the use of data sources from real-life production chains. But the number of results we obtained was low.

We were unable to find any study that fused data from the whole production chain except one by Ma et al. . Ma et al. developed an intelligent feeding equipment and network service platform,roll bench using sensors, software, and monitoring units. This system helped in optimizing feeding methods and improving pig management. We considered, therefore, two search strings, a broad and a narrow search string: the former focussing on general data analytics and the second on machine learning. In both cases, we used more generic terms and relied on exclusion criteria to select the relevant studies. We consulted five scientific databases in this SLR, namely: Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science, Springer Link, and Wiley. We did not consult Google Scholar initially which returned 16,300 publications, a vast majority of which were irrelevant, and thus filtering out the relevant publications was infeasible. The exclusion criteria we selected ensured that only publications that are accessible and of high quality were considered. The exclusion criterion on year of publication was based on our initial test search results. While research performed 20 years back is likely outdated, the set year allowed us to get a clear view of the trend in the studies published. This made it clear, for instance, that the number of primary studies increased substantially from 2018 onwards, particularly on the application of machine learning in the pork sector. When analysing the results of the SLR, we grouped the attributes such as features, data types, or algorithms we found. Grouping the results allowed us to derive clear conclusions. The detailed results are however included as appendices to this study. As can be seen in the increasing number of primary studies since 2018, the application of ML will be important in the pork sector in the future. When looking at the algorithms used in this context, studies that used features and data on images and recordings often used neural networks, specifically convolutional neural networks algorithm. For example, Cowton et al. , Mukherjee et al. , and Fernandes et al. focused on pig recognition and deviations in behaviour. Studies that used pork meat information often had random forest as best performing algorithm. The focus of the research using pork meat information was to investigate growth performance or the state of health .

What is striking in our review is that most of the research conducted use only groups of pigs selected for an experiment. Most of the studies are conducted in large pig farms; however, the numbers of animals studied within the farms were often small, indicating the studies were conducted on an experimental basis and not on the entire herd. While the focus on a selected group of pigs helps to accurately track and monitor pigs, it does not reflect the real-life situation. Therefore, it remains unclear whether the solutions found in research could be applied in real-life business cases. Out of the 41 primary studies we considered through the broad search query, only 10 involve more than 500 pigs, and of which only two, performed by Naatjes et al. and Haraldsen et al. , used real-time data from farm management systems. Research based on real-life data is scarce and most studies focussed mainly on isolated and one-off problems. We suggest that future research should consider the complexity encountered in real-life circumstances and the integration of data analytics within the management systems so that the analytical results can be used within routine business processes. The Republic of Botswana has an installed capacity of 550 MW with an estimated population of 2.3 million of inhabitants. It is reported that the country has one of the highest national electrification rates in Africa determined as 60 % with 77 % of the population connected to electricity in urban areas and 37 % connected in the rural areas. According to Statistics Botswana, it is stipulated that the Government has set national electricity access target of 82% by 2016 and 100 % by 2030. With an average energy demand of more than 400 MW, Botswana relies mainly on fossil fuels energy sources such as coal, fuel wood, and petroleum and an imported power from South Africa to meet needs of the population. Additionally, the country is also known for its particularity in renewable energy sources such solar, wind and various forms of bio-energy such as bio-fuels and biomass wastes.

Pairwise analyses and significant differences of farming systems were tested with function lsmeans

The significance of the linear model was tested with type III analysis of variance with Kenward-Roger’s method with function anova.OTU data from the amplicon sequencing was normalized using the geometric mean of pairwise ratios method. We performed permutational multivariate analysis of variance using distance matrices with function adonis from vegan 2.5–5 to test the effect of farming system and crop type , and the effect of manure addition, including plants grown in 2018, on microbial community composition. We also conducted 2-D nonmetric multidimensional scaling with stable solution from random starts, axis scaling and species scores with function meta MDS from vegan using the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index and plotted the NMDS with fitted environmental variables from function envfit in vegan. Fungal and bacterial OTUs indicative for specific rotations were obtained by differential abundance analysis which identified significant groups. Due to the PERMANOVA results we also did additional differential abundance analyses to obtain OTUs indicative for rotation plots that have either received manure or not. The results are presented as paired comparisons between the farming systems for forage and cereal crop rotations, and plots with manure or not, and for the spring and autumn data separately.Bacterial richness, assessed by OTU reads, was significantly higher in the organic rotations compared to the conventional rotations in the autumn data . Furthermore, fungal richness was higher in the organic systems in the autumn data but only significantly for the OMilk rotation. In the spring data bacterial and fungal richness did not differ between farming systems. Neither did bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA gene copy numbers differ between farming systems in either the spring or autumn data,plastic pots 30 liters whereas fungal ITS copy numbers were higher in the OCer rotation compared to the CCer rotation in the autumn data . The NMDS ordination showed minor differences in bacterial community composition between the farming systems for both crop rotations.

Differences in bacterial community composition, however, were more distinct in the autumn data and higher basal respiration, microbial biomass C and N, as well as extractable C and N variables fitted best with the CMilk rotation. Whereas changes in the fungal community composition between farming systems were more pronounced for both crop rotations and between the seasons . The fungal community composition in the organic rotations were more similar than between the conventional rotations. In the springdata, higher basal respiration rates and microbial biomass C and N variables fitted best with the OMilk rotation. In autumn data, microbial C and N, and extractable C fitted best with the OMilk rotation, and soil pH and basal respiration rates with the OCer rotation, and extractable N with the CMilk rotation. The first PERMANOVA indicated that both farming system and crop type significantly affected the variation in microbial community composition both in the spring and autumn data. However, crop type did not explain the variation in the bacterial community composition in the spring data . Farming system explained 10 and 14% of the variation in bacterial community composition in the spring and autumn data, respectively . Crop type explained 10% of the variation in the autumn bacterial data. In turn, the farming system explained 11 and 14% of the variation in fungal community composition in the spring and autumn data, respectively. Crop type explained even more, 21 and 36% of the variation, in the spring and autumn data, respectively. We also tested the effect of manure in an additional PERMANOVA test, which showed that in addition to farming system manure did not affect the variation in bacterial community composition . However, manure explained additional 14% and 11% of the variation in fungal community composition in the spring and autumn data, respectively. In addition, the impact of manure could not be separated from the impact of crop plant which was grown in all manure fertilized rotation plots in 2018. In the ITS2 based fungal data we could identify on average from 9 to 15 Glomeromycotan AMF OTUs in the spring, and from 12 to 25 in the autumn. In the spring data, the OMilk rotation had the lowest OTU number and the OCer rotation the highest . In the autumn data, the CMilk rotation had the lowest and the OCer rotation the highest AMF OTU number.

The majority of AMF OTUs were shared between the farming systems. PERMANOVA showed that season explained the most variation in the AMF community composition, while crop type and farming system also had an effect. There were large differences in the relative abundances of AMF families between the spring and autumn data of the organic systems . Claroideoglomeraceae was the most abundant family, especially in the autumn data, whereas Acaulosporaceae and Pacisporaceae were not present at all in the CMilk rotation. Archaeosporaceae were abundant in the organic systems and almost absent from the conventional systems. It also seems that Pacisporaceae, while not abundant, is characteristic to the cereal rotations, regardless of the season. The 18S rDNA-based AMF data from composite samples obtained in the autumn identified 38 OTUs with unique genbank accession numbers . Moreover, two Scutellospora species were obtained from the Gigasporaceae family that were not seen in the ITS2 data . Paraglomeraceae, Claroideoglomeracea and Diversisporaceae were the most abundant AMF families based on the 18S data. Organic systems had higher AMF richness; AMF OTU numbers varied from 22 in soil with conventional systems to 35 in soil from OMilk. One out of two Acaulospora sp. and four out of seven Glomus sp. OTUs were only present in the organic systems, with two of them only in the OMilk rotation. Altogether, 19 OTUs were shared between all four rotations. Glomus species were abundant in the OMilk rotation, and similarly to the ITS2 based data, Pacisporaceae was not present in the CMilk rotation, but we could find one Acaulosporaceae OTU present in all rotations, contrary to the ITS2 data. Cereal systems were characteristically associated with Archaeospora trappei, Archaeospora sp, Glomus mosseae, and Pacispora sp. . The more frequent tillage in the conventional system for cereal crops explains partly the lower microbial activity rates and biomasses observed in spring and autumn, a phenomenon which has been observed also by others. Furthermore, the conventional cereal system had bare soil over the winter and is the only treatment without manure addition in the rotation. Thus, the absence of continuous plant cover may have further reduced the microbial biomass C in the spring compared to the respective organic system as earlier reported.

Moreover, the second cut of grass and clover ley was left on the soil surface as a green manure in the organic system for cereal rotation and this may have led to the higher microbial activity and biomass in the following autumn. The lack of chemical agents may also have been reflected in the results since earlier studies have shown negative effects of agrochemicals on soil microbial communities.Higher springtime microbial activity and biomass in the conventional forage crop rotation compared to that of organic cannot be easily explained by the differences in the rotation types as the rotations include various management practices. However, there was 30–40% higher soil P concentration in the conventional system for both cereal and forage crop rotations compared to the organic ones. Indeed, lower water soluble and inorganic P amounts have been reported from organic systems compared to systems receiving synthetic fertilization in a long-term field experiment. Possibly the springtime bacterial community in the conventional forage crop rotation gained competitive advantage from the higher availability of P, since P has been reported to limit bacterial growth in agricultural soils. Later in autumn, the summertime amendments of cow manure would equalize the P availability, and differences between organic and conventional systems for forage crop rotation are no longer detected. The slightly higher autumn pH in the organic system for cereal crop rotation may result from microbial decomposition of fresh plant residues with high N content and mineralization of ammonium which temporarily is known to increase pH. Furthermore, it has been reported that long-term application of manure maintains the soil pH,round plastic pots but inorganic fertilizer decreased it. Consequently, since bacterial growth is known to increase multi-fold with increasing pH, this may explain the increased microbial biomass in the organic system for cereal crop rotation. Alternatively, the increased fungal abundance in the organic system for cereal crop rotation in the autumn indicated that fungi could also be responsible for the higher respiration activity and sequestration of C into their biomass.

Moreover, the organic system for cereal crop rotation had timothy and clover ley as the main crop plant in the sampling year instead of barley as in the respective conventional system. Indeed, higher microbial biomass in production systems including ley grasses have been detected compared to single crop systems only. Our results showed that the farming system induced a clear shift in microbial community composition and that the overall impact of the farming system was about the same magnitude for both bacterial and fungal community composition. Our results are comparable to previous findings that about 10% of variation in microbial communities was explained by the farming practices of conventional and organic systems. Yet, crop type affected fungal community composition in particular, especially in the autumn. A simple explanation would be that changing cultivated plants from barley in the year 2017 to ley in the sampling year 2018 induced a shift in fungal community composition. Furthermore, it is likely that the summertime amendments of synthetic fertilization in the conventional systems have also contributed to the lowered bacterial and fungal richness in the autumn, since the quality of fertilizer is known to impact largely on microbial communities. Thus, the differences in crop rotation, tillage and fertilization practices may all have contributed to the differences in the microbial community but with the current experimental layout we are not able to determine which practices have the strongest impact. Nevertheless, comparisons within the cereal rotations were valuable for indicating the long-term impacts of manure addition and overwintering as bare soil, while comparing the forage crop rotations it was possible to assess the other effects of organic practises beyond manure addition and undersown ley. Moreover, the differences in AMF richness between the farming systems were only moderate and non-existing under the cereal crop rotation. A higher diversity of Acaulospora species, typical to organic systems was also supported by our study. We did not observe Clareideoglomus species to be characteristic to organic systems, instead finding the opposite, which contradicts previous results. Thus, our study supports previous observations which concluded that mycorrhizal diversity is not influenced by the farming system but rather cultivation practices and conditions, and that finding a universal AMF indicator for farming systems is not feasible. Results suggest that the cow manure applied in the forage crop rotation under both the conventional and the organic systems over the years has shaped the bacterial and fungal communities more than any other farming system specific practice, since only a few representatives were typical of either farming system.

This also highlights the commonness of pathogenic fungi in the fields cultivated for fodder and fertilized with manure irrespective of the farming system. On the contrary, AMF richness in the forage crop rotation varied clearly due to the farming system; for instance, Glomus species were indicative in the organic system, while Pacispora sp. was totally missing from the conventional system. Since plants acquire P directly and through their symbiotic AMF, the 40% higher levels of P in the conventional forage crop rotation compared to the respective organic rotation may partly explain the lower AMF richness. However, bacterial representatives were less diverse in the conventional farming system of the cereal rotation compared to the respective organic system. Representative taxa typical of the conventional cereal crop rotation in autumn were affiliated to decomposer and plant-growth promoting and cellulose decomposing bacterial taxa. In contrast, both the spring and autumn data obtained from the organic system for cereal crop rotation revealed a variety of specific taxa with diverse functional roles benefiting soil health. Most of these taxa were also linked to manure fertilization, and included for instance, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria that include species capable of N-fixation, P solubilization, phytohormone production, and repression of soil-borne plant pathogens, and genera with anti-fungal and antibiotic capability. Furthermore, the spring and autumn data of the organic system for cereal crop rotation contained also season specific taxa, which shared bacterial representatives with similar functional roles.

Scenarios are widely used in research to simulate decision-making environments

Their study found a significant number of behavioural bio-security policies in seven European countries, many of which appeared to match theoretical behavioural change frameworks. However, the most frequent strategies relied on the most basic interventions , and there was little evidence of the systematic use of methods from the behavioural sciences to develop these policies. If this suggests there remains some way to travel before the social sciences are integrated within bio-security policy making, other research continues to highlight the potential value of these approaches. For example, research on the role of information cues reveals that bio-security behaviours can be improved when messages are shown graphically, rather than linguistically or numerically.Drawing on Kahneman and Tversky’s ‘prospect theory’ in which avoiding losses are preferable to accruing gains, Hansson and Lagerkvist show how farmers’ disease management decisions reflect farmers individual assessments of risk. However, when farmers are faced with managing an ongoing disease outbreak, decisions reflect a preference of avoiding losses; gains are only preferred when they seek to prevent future disease outbreaks. Other research has sought to examine how social information and the behaviour of other farmers can influence farmers’ bio-security decisions. Using an experimental simulation, Merrill et al. for instance show that willingness to invest in bio-security decreases when information on environmental disease prevalence is uncertain,stacking pots reflecting an optimism bias that farmers’ herds will not become infected.

Alternatively, when more information is provided about bio-security practices on neighbouring farms, bio-security investment decreases. This work is interesting in that it suggests that social norms of what constitutes ‘bio-security citizenship’ , appropriate conduct or what has been referred to as ‘good farming’ may not be influential in bio-security decision making. Burton suggests that ‘good farming’ refers not only to economic forms of capital, but symbolic cultural capital: the visible demonstration of practical knowledge such as good stockman ship, symbols of appropriate farm maintenance such as clean farmyards and tidy hedgerows, and attributes such as hard work. These symbols are encoded and disseminated within discursive scripts, reinforcing their cultural legitimacy . In this way, good farming acts as a heuristic to provide a strategy to guide, interpret and make decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Other strategies of decision-making are available to farmers, however, and the selection of good farming to guide decisions represents what Sunstein and Ullmann-Margalit refer to as a second-order decision. For Burton and Paragahawewa , the value of the good farmer approach lies in recognising and utilising cultural capital to create more culturally salient agricultural policy. Rather than simply rely on financial payments, they instead recommend the development and incorporation of measures of cultural capital into agricultural policy, and/or restructuring agricultural policy to directly encourage the generation of cultural capital. This may include directly measuring farmers’ ‘skills’ in order to allow them to publicly demonstrate what is valued by the farming community. Whilst Burton and Paragahawewa note that some cultural values might be hard to measure , objectifying cattle purchasing skills may provide a relatively easy way of incorporating the cultural capital of good farming into animal disease management policy. For example, recent research has established a link between farmers’ understandings of good farming and bio-security practices .

In particular, cattle purchasing is likely to be connected to and reflect good farming in a number of ways. Firstly, purchasing cattle risks the introduction and transmission of new diseases to animals within the herd and, for some diseases that can be subsequently transmitted within the local environment, to animals on neighbouring farms. For those farms that need to replace stock, however, different forms of institutional capital – such as certification and ranking schemes – can help provide assurance to the purchaser that they are buying from a good farmer and are running the risk of being labelled a bad farmer by introducing disease into their herd or area. For example, Enticott et al. describe how the number of years a farm has been free from disease effectively establishes a good farming rating that may incentivise improved bio-security when it is required to be displayed at the point of sale. The extent to which these forms of information are a reliable guide to whether the farmer is a ‘good farmer’ may, however, be compromised by farmers’ own spatial understanding of disease transmission and by blaming disease outbreaks on perceived government failings, rather than ‘bad farming’ . Secondly, the avoidance of disease through careful cattle purchasing should allow farmers to display other forms of symbolic cultural capital. An outbreak of bTB, for instance, would lead to a farm’s business being subject to a range of trading restrictions, denying the opportunity to farm with autonomy, which is highly valued by farmers in the farming script of ‘being my own boss’ which symbolises farmers’ success at running their own farm well rather than being told how to farm by government. Indeed, an outbreak of bTB would mean that many farming decisions would be subject to bureaucratic procedures and determined by government officials: farmers would be unable to attend market to sell their cattle. As a result, farms may become over-stocked, and cattle suffer poor welfare. Failing to avoid disease through responsible cattle purchasing therefore compromises farmers’ abilities to display the embodied and practical skills of the good farmer symbolised by good-looking cattle either on show at markets or at pasture. Similarly, participation at livestock markets reflects the significance of the autonomous farmer consistent with good farming. Providing measures of good farming in relation to animal disease may therefore help cattle purchasers identify good farmers, and help them avoid becoming a bad farmer as a consequence of poor cattle purchases. The extent to which such measures can successfully symbolise the good farmer and influence cattle purchasing is explored in the remainder of this paper.

Studies of behavioural influences in disease management reveal two distinct methodological approaches. On the one hand, agricultural economists, drawing on methodologies from behavioural psychology, have conducted experiments to simulate the effects of information provision and financial incentives upon bio-security behaviours. On the other hand, sociological research has sought to conceptualise and describe in-depth farmers’ responses to disease events and policy interventions. Each has their problems. Despite the promise of the experimental approach, research participants are often students responding to hypothetical situations wholly divorced from the practical skills and situational awareness that farmers use to respond to real-life context-dependent situations . By contrast, qualitative analyses of good farming and bio-security, whilst focused on real-world policies and disease incursions, are retrospective and subject to recall and social desirability biases. Rather than adopting one or the other, we seek to develop an innovative mixed-methods approach that allows us to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the value of symbolising good farming to influence farmers’ cattle purchasing decisions to prevent bTB. The following sections firstly provide information on the importance of bTB and the relevance of cattle purchasing before providing a detailed account of our methodological approach. In the United Kingdom, bTB is the UK’s most challenging endemic disease, resulting in the premature death of approximately 35,000 cattle and costing the taxpayer in excess of £100 m every year . Managed by the government, the disease has a complex epidemiology involving transmission by legally protected wildlife, the culling of which for disease control purposes has raised political, social and economic challenges . 2007. Cattle movements have become recognised as an important part of the epidemiology of bTB. Studies have shown how the movement of cattle is one of the most important risk factors in infected herds, whilst movements also translocate disease from areas of high to low prevalence . Whilst infected farms are restricted by law from buying or moving cattle on or off farms, all other farms are free to act as they please. Nevertheless, the limitations of diagnostic tests and their frequency mean that these movements still pose a risk to other farmers.

Indeed, other countries with successful bTB eradication schemes, have governed the movement of all cattle between areas of different epidemiological risk using statutory and/or voluntary policies of ‘risk based trading’ and in doing so identify and provide cultural capital to good farmers. Whilst no such scheme currently exists in the UK for bTB, policy makers view cattle purchasing as an important practice on which to apply the behavioural sciences in order to govern cattle movements through behavioural nudges rather than regulation. To understand the impact of different ways of objectifying good farming,sawtooth greenhouse we devised a novel mixed-methods approach. Avoiding experimental approaches involving non-farmers, our approach involved simulating cattle purchasing with farmers who buy and sell cattle. Many studies within the behavioural sciences involve randomised controlled trials, but this approach was not available and not suitable: we were not able to alter the information provided at the point of sale.The diversity of cattle, buyers and sellers also makes controlling for the effect of a single intervention a significant methodological challenge. Instead, our approach sought to simulate cattle purchasing, whilst also allowing farmers to reflectively deliberate on the reasons for their purchases and the value of different behavioural insights. To do this, we developed cattle purchasing game in Mural – a web-based interactive whiteboard – in which participants moved around a Monopoly-style board . Players progressed around the board by rolling one die. All games were played online via Zoom due to Covid 19 lockdown restrictions. Game play was organised using a “branch and bottleneck” structure. Branches reflect different contextual influences that participants land on at random throughout the game. This allowed us to introduce an element of competitiveness between players: points were awarded for landing on squares that reflected ‘positive’ contexts. No points were awarded for landing on negative blue squares. Red squares were a bTB test: if players landed on these, they were required to roll an even number to pass the bTB test,otherwise they would miss a go. Bottlenecks were cattle purchasing events that all players had to complete at the same time and were located in each corner square of the game board. Once one player reached a corner square, all other players also moved there.

Players were then read a cattle purchasing scenario and asked to make a choice between four adverts.They provide opportunities to elicit attitudes and beliefs about complex and potentially sensitive situations and to examine how people may respond to future events . Scenarios work best when they are based on plausible and familiar situations . Scenarios were therefore developed based on a prior research project on cattle purchasing involving farmers and vets. To ensure the scenarios reflected real-world cattle purchasing opportunities, specific versions were developed for three sectors: dairy, store cattle, and calf-rearing. For each scenario, adverts contained information to symbolise good farming in order to influence purchase choices. Firstly, farmers could use pictures of the animals to derive good farming information. For scenarios 1 and 2, pictures were of cattle in a livestock market, but for scenarios 3 and 4 animals were pictured on farm. Secondly, adverts featured two different conceptual measures of good farming. All adverts contained a logo stating how many years free the herd had been from bTB and the geographical average years free for the area in which the farm was located. Values were set randomly. In this method, good farming is symbolised by longer periods of disease freedom; ‘bad farmers’ would avoid purchasing from farms who had recently had an outbreak for fear of introducing disease. Scenarios 2 and 4 also contained a ‘Good Farmer Rating’ to graphically indicate the percentage of satisfied previous customers for each vendor. The aim of this logo was to convey levels of trust and reputation of the seller, which had seen to be important considerations when purchasing cattle from our previous research, and found in other research by Hidano et al. . Presented as a star rating, the logo was similar to review ratings found on internet shopping sites. Two ratings were set at 95% and two at 70% satisfaction. In addition to these measures of good farming, scenarios 1 and 3 explored the effect of different compensation regimes upon purchase decisions. Two different schemes were presented: two sales adverts stated that the purchaser would receive 50% compensation if the animal ever tested positive for bTB in future.