Despite the ubiquity of sustainability indicators,the comprehension and meaning by the communities at farm scale is still a constraint to apply PAR principles to visualize their ecological perspectives. It is suggested that the absence of community participation in the development of farm-level sustainability indicators is critical to maintain the integrity of regional scale agro-ecological functions.Some researchers have adopted a comprehensive soil and vegetation based indicators for farm level assessment but lack socio-economic considerations.Participatory mapping of the ecological health indicators in agricultural farms can facilitate identification key ecological issues at regional scale . Broad scale mapping of agricultural systems and likely impacting variables such as population pressure and climate change adversities using simple threshold as proxy for complex processes is yet another method to evaluate the sustain-ability of agroecology.It requires robust dataset on farm level to make comprehensive and meaningful impact assessments using sustainability indices.
Many of the environmental problems stem from modern agricultural activities and unaccountable perception of farming community. The current jeopardy is mainly attributed to green revolution and questionably it has caused catastrophic damage to the agro-ecological elements resulting in non-sustainability of farming practices. It is predicted that agricultural production will be doubled in 2050 calling for careful management of foot prints of agriculture . It is indicative of the fact that it will increase further degradation of the agricultural systems and natural ecosystems with eventual decline in ecosystem services . Projected doubling of agricultural activities must adapt sustainable practices and technologies as against the genetically engineered crops, which will minimize the pressure on land resources. Visibly,vertical farming racks genetically engineered crops have been adapted by the farming community at large though skeptic views have been continually voiced by the environmental conservationists and ecologists . Since the dawn of modern agriculture, the natural resources have been exploited leading to non-sustainability and degradation of agricultural landscapes . The long term impact of degradative agricultural practices has emerged as major issue calling for agricultural policy reform. Agricultural practices have evolved over the years to suggest that various farming practices are refined, re- searched and tested to analyze their feasibility as sustainable and economically viable on a long time scale.
Further, majority of studies provide insight on the impact of range of cropping patterns and livelihood activities and how choices are shaped by their socioeconomic and sociopolitical characteristics of the eco-region. Some of the studies have analyzed system evolution at multiple scales , factors determining technology adoption , pathways out of poverty and return to research investment . Yet there appears need for discrete definition on farm level datasets and perspective plan to develop unifying framework for collecting information in standard format from a landscape scale. Farm level studies best suited to understand the practices at micro-level with implications for sustainability analysis of agro-eco- logy. Numerous conservative schemes are designed to mitigate the impact of unsustainable agriculture and increase the value of the landscape in terms of sustained functions. Application of conservation concepts can be well matched with the precision farming so that spatially deficient resources are managed judiciously. Precision farming is difficult to practice due to smaller size of the farm and highly dispersed in fragmented landscape, which is critical limitation in conservative agricultural practices. The assessment of agricultural farming practices affecting the ecosystem services through their impact on biodiversity need a systematic analysis at farm to landscape scale. Worldwide, agro-biodiversity erosion has been debated in various conventions linking to unsustainable use, degradative management practices, monoculture of high yielding varieties, intensive management inputs, markets forces, exploitation of land resources, habitat fragmentation and changing behavior of stakeholders . It is stated that even the use of best technologies cannot prevent many of the forecasted problems. In this line a strategic planning of agricultural development is a need so as to preserve the agricultural biodiversity hots pots with minimal fragmentation and maximize range of ecosystem services. Currently farm level maintenance of ecological functions is considered as critical. Precision farming environments will help manage few soil based services viz., soil organic matter, enhance nutrient pools, beneficial microbial communities to optimize the soil ecosystem services.