To increase efficiency and environmental sustainability of the plant every effort should be taken to maximize available re-newable energy supplies including solar and wind resources. An extensive hydraulic design is essential to maintain adequate water supplies whilst a complex control system is needed to ensure optimum growth conditions at all times. Depending on the location of the plant and the surrounding infrastructure the possibility of using re-cycled water may also bean option. As part of this paper in depth design drawings and specifications shall be undertaken including the construction, hydraulic, electrical, civil, control system and energy supplies. It is the intention of this paper to produce preliminary drawings specifications including costs to help determine the viability of such a project. In order to locate and build a microalgae plant it is important to understand the biology and lifecycle of different microalgae species to ensure that ideal conditions are maintained and a premium yield is achieved.Microalgae are one of the oldest life forms on the planet existing for billions of years made up of simple but very effective structure.
Microalgae are primitive organisms with a simple cellular structure and a large surface-to-volume-body ratio,rolling benches which gives them the ability to uptake large amounts of nutrients . Microalgae are very efficient are converting light energy into mass energy and due to their high content of lipids they make an ideal candidate for biofuels. Microalgae are autotrophic micro-oraganisms having extremely high photosynthetic efficiency and are valued as a rich source of lipids,hydrocarbons, and other complex oils for biodiesel besides being an invaluable source of boiethanol, biomethane and biochydrogen . Microalgae have many advantages over other types of algae as they are a very efficient form of converting solar energy into chemical energy and they also have a very high content of lipidsĀ which is a high source of energy.Many algae accumulate substantial amount of non-polar lipids, mostly in the form of TAG or hydrocarbons, and these levels mat reach up to 20% – 50% of dry cell weight . Algae are a diverse group of organisms known as eukaryotes that have been broken down into two main groups consisting of macoralgae including seaweeds that can grow up to 60 meters in length and microalgae that can be microscopicin size.
There are many different genera which are all fast growing, diverse and occur in aquatic areas of both salt and fresh water throughout all parts of the world. Microalgae are everywhere! They occupy virtually every habitat including those with extreme conditions .The microalgae group is believed to contain several thousands of species that have been broken down into main groups based on pigment, life cycle and basic cellular structure. The three most important classes of microalgae in terms of abundance are the diatoms , the green algae , ebb and flow bench and the golden algae.Most species of micro algae can be described as autotrophic meaning that they produce food from substances available in their surroundings using light or chemical energy. Autotrophic microalgae can utilize carbon dioxide as the carbon sources and sunlight as the energy source for oil accumulation under special conditions.Some microalgae species can be considered hetertrophic organisms which survive by taking in autotrophic organisms to carry out functions for life often resulting in high oil yields. Some autotrophic micro algae can be converted to hete roprophic ones through changing cultivating conditions or using genetic engineering .
Many different species of microalgae have been both trialed and utilized in the product of biofuels with new species currently emerging also offering potential.The selection of species is often determined by the existing local conditions and the viable modifications that can be made to the location. Successful microalgae cultivation requires specific environmental conditions, which vary from species to species . To date only a small number of microalgae species are in regular cultivation for biofuel use, compared with the thousands of species that exist that may have potential. Currently there are probably no more than about 30 species and genera from no more than 11 taxonomic classes of autotrophic microalgae in use . Growing micro algae for biofuels or any other type of energy supply has been occurring for a long time throughout many parts of the world.The ability of microalgae to efficiently convert energy from the sun combined with its fast growth rate and minimal requirement of land area is well recognized. Microalgae are known to make far more efficient use of solar energy than conventional agriculture and therefore, there has a large potential for biomass production with comparatively less land requirements .Cultivating Microalgae is still open to extensive research with trials continuing in many corners of the world.