Perception of climate change and its associated impact is an important first step to adaptation

The resistance of isolated Escherichia coli strains in our study, to ampicillin which is also used in the treatment of various bacterial infections in humans raises public health issue because many of these strains infect humans via avian products including chicken meat and eggs.These differences observed between our results and those of these authors could be explained by the fact that in our study, the investigated strains were multi resistants strains. In contrast to these authors, we determined the resistance profile of these strains and it is after the results obtained that we tested the action of this essential oil on these different strains. In addition, the essential oil of Aeollanthus pubescens showed a bactericidal effect on the various strains investigated, which is in accordance with the results obtained by Sessou et al. .The action of this essential oil of A. pubescens is due to its high concentration of thymol, α-terpinene, carvacrol and borneol. Indeed,grow lights these compounds are already recognized for their antibacterial activity,particularly thymol and carvacrol, which are the most bactericidal .

Accordingto Zayyad et al.  reported by Yovo , borneol is a compound with high antimicrobial potency due to its high solubility in water, which gives it a high ability to cross bacterial cell membranes. This study showed, on the one hand,the importance of the antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella and Escherichia coli strains in our laying hens farming and, on the other hand, the effectiveness of the oil of Aeollanthus pubescens which deserves to be valued. Regarding the high antimicrobial activity of this oil, it is necessary to develop some strategies that will immensely boost Aellonthus pubescens plant production and therefore a large scale production of its essential oil in order to overcome this important bacterial problem which is a big regulator of economy in several countries. Agriculture in Ethiopia is an important economic sector upon which the majority of Ethiopians depend for food, feed and income. The sector is dominated by smallholder agriculture responsible for 80% of the employment, 90% of the total agricultural output and 95% of the total area under agricultural land use. The smallholder sub-sector is predominantly comprised of subsistence and traditional rainfed systems which exhibit vulnerability to various internal and external pressures. Vulnerability within these agricultural systems can be broadly attributed to a variety of climate and non-climate factors which include bio-physical, socio-economic and political elements.

These, among others, include changing climate , conflicts between formal and informal land tenure systems , led grow lights ecological degradation  and poor agricultural market conditions . These various climate and non-climate risk factors have contributed to abject poverty and food insecurity problems in the country including the study area . Subsequently, adaptation becomes an increasingly important aspect of agricultural development narratives that broadly aim to transform the sector from traditional to a “modern” market-based resilient one.It helps to define climate change both as a problem and context for decision to adapt in the face of complex interaction between societies and their environment. Perception to varying extents is shaped by various socioeconomic, cultural, political and environmental factors .

Changes in local climate appear relatively easy to see as compared to the global climate because of heuristic experiences and more attachment to the local cli-mate. More precisely, experienced impacts or anticipated risks of local climate change help to acknowledge climate change, vulnerability and associated adaptation deficit that trigger an adaptation need and decision to adapt . Stemming from adaptation deficit and subsequent needs, different actors decide to respond whereby responses can take different visions, forms and scales. These responses are generally driven by vulnerability and livelihood risk in the face of biophysical and socioeconomic uncertainties mainly climate change. Adaptations can be planned or unplanned, local or regional and involve adjustments through a variety of processes, practices and structures to actual or anticipated changes in climate.Adaptation responses may be structured around one of the following goals-resilience , transition and transformation.