This programme legitimised interstitial farming in the city with no fear of crops destructions, as the bylaws on urban agriculture were relaxed to increase food supply in the community . This program me permitted urban agriculture for everyone and not just for the government administrators as was the case during British colonial rule, where only colonial administrators were allowed to practice urban farming. From the discussion above, political interest and international relations have a direct effect on the socio-economic environment of a country and indirectly its agricultural system.Urban dwellers got involved in patch agriculture as a source of survival and also as a source of secondary income. During this time smallholder farmer were favoured in comparison with large scale farms owners.Urban agriculture in the city grew during this time as opposed to the colonial era where city planning did not permit urban agriculture for everyone due to health and hygiene reasons.
In the 1990’s donkey carts were introduced from neigh-bouring Burkina Fasoto aid farmers in transporting manure, compost and tools to farms and later food to markets for sale. Even though donkey carts were very useful to farmers,the prices for these carts remained a main financial obstacle for many farming families . When these carts developed faults, they were often abandoned due to the lack of technical expertise in the region to work on it,nft hydroponic system so many farmers did not adopt this technology. Farmers presently using donkey carts are the wealthier farmers. Tractors were available as subsidies flowed in but with the end of these subsidies only a few wealthy farmers had tractors which they hired out to other farmers at the start of the planting season . From the above information,governmental interventions were sometimes not accepted by the subjects not because they were not good, but sometimes due to other socio-economic factors like the lack of finance to acquire and maintain these resources.The post-colonial period saw a lot of investment by multilateral and international agencies in rice and maize cultivation—in irrigation sites and natural floodplains .
Socio-economic and political policies like the Poverty Reduction Strategy which is an extension of the Structural Adjustment Programme was introduced by the government and facilitated by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund . Even though these policies were put in place to improve the failing economy of the country, the reduction of subsidies contributed to the lapse in agricultural development and research . Agricultural projects did not all cease, as several initiatives on smallholder projects on crop cultivation and livestock were launched by international agencies such as the Food and Agricultural Organisation and later the International Fund for Agricultural Development . These projects were mostly carried out by local non-governmental organisations in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture sometimes in what refers to as trans-governmental interventions or transnational governmentality. I have discussed how different political regimes addressed agricultural activities especially vegetable cultivation. It was clear that urban agriculture became widespread as a result of governmental interventions which encouraged it and declined when the agricultural policies changed. Food production and consumptions patterns in this region have changed significantly due to the adoption of different technological packages from various national and international NGO’s .Many of such technological packages were agricultural inputs such as improved seeds, fertilisers, and tractors. Recent technological packages introduced in the horticultural sector are, drip irrigation in Sakpehalegu and Gumbihini old damsite, solar irrigation panel in Fooshegu and Daitoyili, organic compost and improved seed varieties in Gumbihini, Ganasco dam, and many other sites. These technologies are changing the pattern of vegetable production and consumption in this region, especially in Tamale as more middle-income urban dwellers are consuming more vegetables than before.