The authors sought to know the extent to which horticultural firms have adopted environmental aspect of TBL dimension. Questions revolving on the environmental issues were then asked to the respondents of which they rated the statements on likert scale of 1 to 5 i.e. 1-not at all and 5-to a very large extent.The results indicate the environmental factors and their corresponding statistics where most horticultural firms practice and take some environmental issues more seriously than others. The firms having clearly stated environmental objectives and plans, use of pesticides that are not harmful to the environment, andthe use of environmentally friendly cleaning materials are the most valued factors highest mean of 4.76, 4.65 and 4.43 respectively.On Social Sustainability, from the results it is evident that most companies have realized the benefits that accrue on the social dimension aspect.Corporate social responsibility, Job satisfaction of workers,hydroponic nft channel Attainment of worker quality of life and Facilitation of worker skill development are the most key concerns of the horticulture firms as shown by means of 4.67, 4.51, 4.27 and4.11 respectively.
It is also clear that economic factors are still key concernto the management as it manifests itself by the highest means scored. Costsavings, maximization of shareholders’ wealth and profit maximization, use ofsustainable sources of energy such as solar and wind, minimum packaging materialson products to preserve the natural resources, and use of sustainablesources of raw materials are some of the interventions that work favorably tomost horticultural firms.The authors also sought to know if the economic factors are considered moreto the expense of the environmental and social dimensions. From the results, itis clear that economic factors are a still key concern to the management. Costsavings, maximization of shareholders’ wealth and profit maximization, use of sustainable sources of energy such as solar and wind, minimum packaging materialson products to preserve the natural resources, and use of sustainablesources of raw materials are some of the interventions that work favorably tomost horticultural firms.
Among the factors that contribute to the social and environmental dimensionsis the positions created that relates to the same with the sole purpose ofadvocating and advancing the agendas that relate to their portfolios. The authorssought to understand the existence of various positions apart from the SupplyChain Manager and Operations Manager in the horticulture firms.The results show that there is a corporate environmental policy in place as isshown by 97.3%, a clear indication the steps that majority of the horticulturefirms are taking towards environmental dimension nft growing system. The management does realizethe importance of the dimension and the long-term benefits that come alongwith being environmental conscious. There is also a clear indication that most firms have established environmental board of directors, a position of environmentalmanager and a position of corporate social responsibility manager asshown by 89.2%, 75.7% and 78.4% respectively. Consequently, there are somefirms which have not realized the importance of environmental and social dimensionsand therefore having not seen the reason to have a position of environmentalmanager and corporate social responsibility manager as shown by24.3% and 21.6% respectively.
The model summary is presented in Table 1. The model has an R square valueof 0.950 indicating that the percentage of the dependent variable variance that is explained by the independent variables is 95%. The P-value of 0.000 which isless than 0.05 implies that the model of environmental dimensional is significantat the 5 per cent significance. R is the correlation coefficient which shows the relationshipbetween the study variables, from the findings shown in the table belowthere is a strong positive relationship between the study variables as shownby 0.975. Durbin-Watson is the number that tests for autocorrelation in the residualsfrom a statistical regression analysis. The Durbin-Watson statistic is alwaysbetween 0 and 4. A value of 2 means that there is no autocorrelation inthe sample. Values approaching 0 indicate positive autocorrelation and valuestoward 4 indicate negative autocorrelation. The findings show that Durbin-Watson value is 2.131 hence no autocorrelation in the sample.ANOVA findings in Table 2 show that there is correlation between the predictor’s variables and response variable.