Root growth is cyclic, it generally alternates with shoot growth, usually precedes it, and synchronizes with trunk growth. In Israel, Cossman reports growing roots could be found throughout the entire winter season. The most intense root growth periods were in the spring and autumn and of relatively short duration.Monselise also states that root growth alternates in most cases with shoot growth and stresses that soil temperature and soil moisture are important factors. In California, Crider observed that roots do not grow continuously but alternate with shoot growth. Total root elongation and greatest rate of growth was much greater during the first rather than the second and last periods . Total root growth as we1l as the rate of growth during the second or mid-season growth stage was decidedly less than the first and last period. The rate of root elongation was considerably greater during the night rather than during the day. Roots were inactive during the winter and early spring, and Crider suggests that this is the best time to cover crop or interplant. Waynick and Walker observed in California that growth of the roots in the subsoil preceded growth in the upper foot of soil by nearly 28 days in the spring. Root growth preceded shoot growth except in the fall, when the growth cycle seemed to coincide. This condition may vary in other citrus areas. They also noted a difference in root growth with different scions and different aged trees. In October, when the last growth cycle was completed, there was only scattered growth of roots in the upper 45 cm of soil with old trees. Grapefruit Trees showed little development while Valencia trees showed a moderate growth,hydroponic vertical garden but only in the upper 56 cm of soil. In contrast, yearling Valencia trees in the same soil developed a heavy root growth.
Waynick and Walker measured soil temperatures at 15-35 cm, 51 cm, and 66 cm. The soil temperatures at 36 cm and above were consistently lower by 2°C than lower depths until mid-April. The average subsoil temperature in [“Check” appear here in typescript in the margin of the manuscript] late March was 13.8°C, or just above the minimum of 12°C reported by Girton . The soil temperature below 51 cm averaged 1.5°C less than that from 36- 45 cm, and it was in this area that the most active root growth took place. In March, subsoil root growth was first observed. There was no root elongation above 36 cm, but root growth was general between 36-51 cm. The growth rate of the roots varied from .62—1.60 cm daily. Rootlets elongate at the rate of .32-1.27cm per day in an active cycle. Root growth ceased the first week in April, when top growth occurred. Root growth resumed in September and lasted five weeks. In a three week period the rootlets grew as much as 36 cm, and the size of the roots doubled. Their data show growth of the roots is cyclic and precedes top growth. There is a brief rest period when roots cease to elongate and the growth of the top begins. There are 2-3 month periods when the roots fail to elongate. Roots make very poor growth when severed by cultural equipment, even in two year’s time. They emphasize the important relationship of irrigation and supply of nutrient to the growth cycle of the roots, and question the possible undesirable effects of the heavy application of cold irrigation water when the root cycle is just starting. In Florida, Ford states that citrus root concentration fluctuates extensively during the year. It had been assumed that roots grow in alternate cycles to growth flushes, but this did not seem to apply to the situation in Florida. Root concentration was usually lowest in August and highest in September. He stresses the importance of taking root samples at the same time of year. Soil temperatures in Florida citrus orchards are higher than those in California throughout the root zone during the entire year . Tully also noted that in citrus trees shoot and root growth usually alternate. Root systems are generally observed and classified by either complete excavation of the root system, digging trenches, push and pull procedures, removal of soil cores, or use of special technical devices. Factors affecting root distribution are the scion variety, environment, temperature, age of tree, water relations, drainage, salinity, nutrition, diseases, soil types, soil stratification, pruning, cover crop, etc.
Therefore, it is understandable that there is considerable discrepancy in the descriptions of root systems as described by various observers. An old adage is that lateral roots of a tree extend radially from the trunk to a distance equal to that of the height of the tree. A 4.6 meter tall tree would thus have roots extending laterally in all directions to a distance of 4.6 meters. There are, of course, many exceptions to this rule as root distribution is affected by many factors. Under many circumstances, the lateral spread of the roots is such that at any normal orchard spacing there is considerable intermingling of roots from adjacent orchard trees. Perhaps the earliest recorded observations on citrus root systems are those of Mills in California. On excavated trees grown on [“Check” appear here in typescript in the margin of the manuscript] loam soils in Ventura County, he characterizes sweet orange as having a shallow root system. The main mass of the root system of bearing trees on sweet orange stock are concentrated in a horizontal layer about 45 cm thick, the top of which was 20-25 cm from the surface, with crooked tap roots. The tap root of grapefruit was also crooked. The lateral roots develop at the expense of the tap roots, making a prodigious root system. A seven-year-old seedling had a tap root 120 cm long. The largest lateral root started 60 cm below the soil surface and extended for a distance of 8 meters at an average depth of 45 cm below the surface. Over 90 percent of the root system was confined to a layer 25-60 cm below the surface. Grapefruit had a much larger number of fibrous roots than sweet orange, and the roots were deeper beneath the surface, the majority below 38 cm. A nine-year-old navel tree on sour orange had the largest and uppermost lateral, which started 15 cm below the surface and descended immediately at an angle of 45° to 2.5 cm below the surface to a distance 3 M from the tree, when it rose to within 20 cm of the surface. It was then cut by cultivation equipment, grew downward 2.5 cm and horizontally 2.4 meters more. The longest tap root was approximately 3 meters, maybe the deepest recorded in California. Those trees on sour orange with few laterals were less productive than those which had numerous laterals near the surface. Hume states that in Florida’s Hammock soils, sour orange roots are produced abundantly and penetrate well into the soil. He felt that this was an advantage over sweet orange since the trees were not so readily affected by variations in soil moisture. The roots penetrate sufficiently deep to be more or less in contact with a permanent water supply.
Hume also says that under these conditions, sour orange suffers less under prolonged drought under identical conditions than Rough lemon. With Rough lemon the main roots show a wide variation. In all cases the crown-roots extend a considerable distance from the trunk and a strong tap root is produced, but occasionally the large lateral roots lie close to the surface and most of the feeder roots are in the top 38 cm of soil. Hume also states that the root system produced by trifoliate orange is very good,vertical vegetable tower as the roots penetrate well and fibrous roots are produced in abundance. He also cites the California experience of Mills that sweet orange is not deep rooted and that most of the roots are in the top 46 cm of soil. There is lack of evidence in Florida, but in nursery trees, [“Check” appear here in typescript in the margin of the manuscript] root development of trifoliate orange was equal to sour orange. The root system of grapefruit was well developed. In Egypt, El Sawy found the root system of lime heavily branched with abundant fibrous roots. Those trees on citron, sweet lime, and sour orange were sparsely branched with less fibrous roots. The depth of penetration of citron or sweet lime was 41-46 cm, 61-71 cm on lime, and 112-168 cm on sour orange. As far as lateral extension, the citron had the least, followed by sweet lime and those on sour orange. Brown and El Sawy observed in Egyptian orchards that the sour orange adapted to heavy soils and was not readily affected by variations in soil moisture. It provided good root anchorage, roots in loamy soils penetrating to a depth of 110-170 cm with a lateral spread of 4-10 M depending on the scion variety. They made no comment about the root system of sweet orange. The grapefruit and shaddock they felt were well adapted to heavy and moist soils, with their root systems well developed and evenly distributed. The Baladi lime was adapted to sandy soils, but not wet or heavy soils. The root system was richly branched and had more fibrous roots than any of the other stocks. The bulk of the roots in sandy soils penetrated an average depth of 70 cm and occasionally to 250 cm. Lateral roots extended to 7 M. The Rough lemon was adapted to sandy soils where sour orange failed to produce a satisfactory tree. Although it had a strong tap root which penetrated deeply into the soil, there were abundant lateral roots which were well and widely distributed and were nearer to the surface than sour orange. The Rough lemon had many feeder roots. The sweet lemon was also not recommended for heavy soils. Its root system was characterized by downward penetration and lateral expansion similar to that of the Baladi lime, but was sparsely branched and had less fibrous roots in the upper 30 cm of soil. There were no comments on the citron root system other than that it did very poorly on sandy soils. In Israel, Oppenheimer examined the root systems of 19-month-old trees on sweet lime, sour orange, Rough lemon, citron, Baladi , Shamouti, sour orange, pummelo, and grapefruit. He says all Citrus root systems belong to the intensive type. The lemon-lime group are characterized by strong root branches whose horizontal spread does not fall short of their penetration in depth, and with a multitude of fine absorbing rootlets. Single tap roots are rarely found after transplanting. The surface layers of soil are well provided with roots, except the root system of sour lemon, which showed rather fine root branches and a tendency for deep penetration without strong crown root formation in the surface layers. With Rough lemon the lateral roots changed direction from the horizontal and turn downward. He agreed with Hume in praise of Rough lemon, “because of the great foraging power of its roots.” With sweet orange, he observed a tendency to form a strong tap root system which showed good ramification and a considerable development of horizontally growing main roots. He did not agree with observations by Mills in California on this, but did agree with Hume’s Florida observations, perhaps because of soil differences. Hume, in Florida, worked in super drained, very sandy soils, warm enough throughout the year for good root growth and root activity. The sour orange, grapefruit, and pummelo tend to form root systems of a conical shape with well developed penetrating central roots, and a monopodial character. None of the upper roots are strong, and most of the lateral roots descend obliquely. The abundance of fibrous roots on grapefruit produces more fibrous roots than sweet orange or sour orange. In Florida’s deep sandy soils, Savage, Cooper, and Piper examined sixyear-old trees of Parson Brown on 15 root stocks planted at a distance of 30-92 cm. However, some roots were lost in the excavation. Sour orange showed three or more well developed tap roots penetrating 90-125 cm deep. There were numerous small laterals in the upper foot and some of the laterals extended 150 cm from the trunk.