BIA measures the electrical impedance response of roots at a single frequency or over a range of frequencies

Electrical Resistivity Tomography and ElectroMagnetic Induction approaches have been used to image and monitor soil resistivity changes associated with the Root Water Uptake.Recent studies explored the use of multi-frequency Electrical Impedance Tomography to take advantage of the root polarizable nature.Despite these advantages, geophysical methods to date share common limitations regarding root characterization. Geophysical methods developed to investigate geological media: in the case of roots they measure the root response as part of the soil response, see Fig. 1a for the ERT acquisition. Because of the natural soil heterogeneity and variability the resolution and signal characteristics of geophysical methods strongly depend on soil type and conditions. As such, interpretation of the root soil system response is non-unique, hindering the differentiation between roots of close plants and the extraction of specific information about root physiology from the electrical signals. Unlike geophysical methods, the BIA for root investigation developed to specifically target the impedance of plant tissues, limiting the influence of the growing medium. A practical consequence is that BIA involves the application of sensors into the plant to enhance the method sensitivity.The measured BIA responses have been used to estimate root characteristics, such as root absorbing area and root mass . Estimation of these root traits is based on assumptions on the electrical properties of roots . A key assumption is that current travels and distributes throughout the root system before exiting to the soil,mobile grow rack with no leakage of current into the soil in the proximal root position . It is only in the former case, that the BIA signal would be sensitive to root physiology.

Despite the physiological relevance of the BIA assumptions and the number of BIA studies, a suitable solution for the characterization of the current pathways in roots is missing. Thus far, only indirect information obtained from invasive and time-consuming experiments have been available to address this issue . Mary et al. , and Mary et al. 2020 tested the combined use of ERT and Mise A La Masse methods for imaging grapevine and citrus roots in the field. An approach hereafter called inversion of Current Source Density was used to invert the acquired data. The objective of this inversion approach is to image the density and position of current passing from the plant to the soil. The current source introduced via the stem distributes into “excited” roots that act as a distributed network of current sources . Consequently, a spatial numerical inversion of these distributed electric sources provides direct information about the root current pathways and the position of the roots involved in the uptake of water and solutes. The numerical approach used to invert for the current source density is a key component required for such an approach. Mary et al. used a nonlinear minimization algorithm for the inversion of the current source density. The algorithm consisted of gradient-based sequential quadratic programming iterative minimization of the objective functions described in Mary et al. .Because no information about the investigated roots was available, the authors based these inversion assumptions and the interpretation of their results on the available literature data on grapevine root architecture. Consequently, Mary et al. highlighted the need for further iCSD advances and more controlled studies on the actual relationships between current flow and root architecture. In this study, we present the methodological formulation and evaluation of the iCSD method, and discussits applications for in-situ characterization of current pathways in roots. We perform our studies using laboratory rhizotron experiments on crop roots. The main goals of this study were: 1) develop and test an iCSD inversion code that does not rely on prior assumptions on root architecture and function; 2) design and conduct rhizotron experiments that enable an optimal combination of root visualization and iCSD investigation of the current pathways in roots to provide direct insight on the root electrical behavior and validate the iCSD approach; and 3) perform experiments to evaluate the application of the iCSD method on different plant species and growing medium that are common to BIA and other plant studies.

The relationship between hydraulic and electrical pathways has been the object of scientific debate because of its physiological relevance and methodological implications for BIA methods . A key and open question concerns the distribution of the current leakage . The distribution of the current leakage is controlled by 1) the electrical radial and longitudinal conductivities , and 2) by the resistivity contrast between root and soil. With regard to σcr and σcl, when σcl is significantly higher than σcr, the current will predominantly travel through the xylems to the distal “active” roots, which are mostly root hairs. Based on the link between hydraulic and electrical pathways, this is consistent with a root water uptake process where root hairs play a dominant role while the more insulated and suberized roots primarily function as conduits for both water and electric current . On the contrary, if the σcr is similar to σcl, the electrical current does not tend to travel through the entire root system but rather starts leaking into the surrounding medium from root proximal portions. The coexistence of proximal and distal current leakage is in line with studies that suggest the presence of a more diffused zone of RWU, and a more complex and partial insulation effect of the suberization, possibly resulting from the contribution of the cell-to-cell pathways . Soil resistivity can affect the distribution of the current leakage by influencing the minimum resistance pathways, i.e., whether roots or soil provide the minimum resistance to the current flow. In addition, soil resistivity strongly relates to the soil water content, which, as discussed, affects the root physiology. Therefore, information on the soil resistivity, such as the ERT resistivity imaging, has the potential for supporting the interpretation of both BIA and iCSD results. Dalton proposed a model for the interpretation of the plant root capacitance results in which the current equally distributes over the root system. Because of the elongated root geometry this model is coherent with the hypothesis of a low resistance xylem pathway . Numerous studies have applied Dalton’s model documenting the predicted correlation between root capacitance and mass . In fact, recent studies with wheat, soy, and maize roots continue to support the capacitance method . Despite accumulating studies supporting the capacitance method, hydroponic laboratory results of Dietrich et al. and other studies have begun to uncover potential inconsistencies with Dalton’s assumptions. In their work, Dietrich et al. explored the effect of trimming submerged roots on the BIA response and found negligible variation of the root capacitance. Cao et al. reached similar conclusions regarding the measured electrical root resistance .

Urban et al. discussed the BIA hypotheses and found that the current left the roots in their proximal portion in several of their experiments. Conclusions from the latter study are consistent with the assumption that distal roots have a negligible contribution on root capacitance and resistance. Because of the complexity of the hydraulic and electrical pathways, their link has long been the object of scientific research and debate. For recent reviews see Aroca and Mancuso ; for previous detailed discussions on pathways in plant cells and tissues see Fensom , Knipfer and Fricke , and Findlay and Hope ; see Johnson and Maherali et al. in regard to xylem pathways. See Jackson et al. and Hacke and Sperry for water pathways in roots. Thus, above discrepancies in the link between electrical and hydraulic root properties can be, at least to some degree,ebb and flow table attributed to differences among plant species investigated and growing conditions. Among herbaceous plants, maize has been commonly used to investigate root electrical properties . For instance, Ginsburg investigated the longitudinal and radial current conductivities of excited root segments and concluded that the maize roots behave as leaking conductors. Similarly, Anderson and Higinbotham found that σcr of maize cortical sleeves was comparable to the stele σcl. Recently, Rao et al. found that maize root conductivity decreases as the root cross-sectional area increases, and that primary roots were more conductive than brace roots. By contrast, BIA studies on woody plants have supported the hypothesis of a radial isolation effect of bark and/or suberized tissues . Plant growing conditions have been shown to affect both water uptake and solute absorption due to induced differences in root maturation and suberization . Redjala et al. observed that the cadmium uptake of maize roots grown in hydroponic conditions was higher than in those grown aeroponically. Tavakkoli et al. demonstrated that the salt tolerance of barley grown in hydroponic conditions differed from that of soil-grown barley. Zimmermann and Steudle documented how the development of Casparian bands significantly reduced the water flow in maize roots grown in mist conditions compared to those grown hydroponically. During their investigation on the effect of hypoxia on maize, Enstone and Peterson reported differences in oxygen flow between plants grown hydroponically and plants grown in vermiculite. The results reported above and in other investigations are conducive to the hypothesis that root current pathways are affected by the growing conditions, as suggested in Urban et al. . For example, the observations by Zimmermann and Steudle and Enstone and Peterson may explain the negligible contributions to the BIA signals from distal roots under hydroponic conditions . At the same time, the more extensive suberization in natural soil and weather conditions could explain the good agreement between the rooting depth reported by Mary et al. based on the iCSD and the available literature data for grapevines in the field. To minimize these ambiguities and to develop a more robust approach for non-invasive in-situ root imaging, we aim to develop iCSD inversion code that does not rely on prior assumptions on root architecture and function and use rhizotron experiments to validate the iCSD approach.The phrase “inversion of Current Source Density” was introduced by Łęski et al. to describe the 2D imaging of current sources associated with the brain neural activation. Similar inversion methodologies have been developed for the interpretation of the self-potential data, where the distribution of naturally occurring currents is investigated.

With regard to active methodologies, Binley et al. developed an analogous approach for detecting pollutant leakage from environmental confinement barriers. Although there are physical and numerical intrinsic differences between application of the iCSD to detect brain neuronal activity and current pathways in roots, we decided to adopt the term iCSD as the general physical imaging of current source density remains valid. With iCSD, we indicate the coupling of ERT and MALM through the proposed numerical inversion procedure for the imaging of the current source density, and its correlation with root architecture. We introduce the necessary aspects regarding the ERT and MALM methods in this section. However, we direct the interested readers to more in-depth discussion about the ERT method , and to Schlumberger and Parasnis with regard to the MALM method. In the following discussion we use ρmed to represent the 2D or 3D distribution of the electrical resistivity in the growing medium . CSD represents the 2D, or 3D, distribution of the Current Source Density within the same medium. In the case of roots, the CSD is controlled by the current conduction behavior of the roots, specifically by the leakage pattern of the root system . Both ERT and MALM are active methods. In these methods the current is forced through the medium by applying a potential difference between two current electrodes. In ERT, both current electrodes are positioned in the investigated medium, while for MALM the positive current pole is installed in the plant stem,similar to BIA . The potential field resulting from the current injection depends on CSD, resistivity of the medium , and boundary conditions. The boundary conditions are known a priori and their impact on the potential field can be properly modeled. In ERT, the current sources correspond to the electrodes used to inject current, allowing us to invert for ρmed. Then, the iCSD accounts for the obtained ρmed and explicitly inverts the MALM data to obtain current source distribution.The rhizotrons used in this study were designed to enable the concurrent direct visualization of the roots and electrical measurements. Rhizotron dimensions were 52 cm × 53 cm × 2 cm , see Fig. 2. Figure 2a shows the rhizotron setup with 64 silver/silver chloride electrodes located on the back viewing surface.