The total waste produced in Acre forests amounted to more than 620 tons/year in the analyzed period

Similarly, maybe it can frame the land governance concept, particularly in underdeveloped regions, since the reality is far from what should and can be land governance. Many challenges are imposed between the regulation and reality, which they haven’t adequately addressed yet.In this process, like Borras & Franco stated, the economic bias is raised as preponderant in many discussions, such as the cadaster and land titling in the land market regulation. However, according to Payne, Durand-Lasserve, & Rakodi, land titling programs often fail in implementing the promised benefits,for example, in fighting poverty, once there are no sufficient evidence in reducing poverty levels, or the security in land access.So, it is worth emphasizing that land issues have multidimensional character,like the indigenous territories issues, crucial for the socio-cultural reproduction of these people .Social relations based on land are fundamental to the routing of discussions on land governance, because land issues are social relationships between people.Governance is about political relations between groups of people and institutions that govern them.

Social relations based on land are continuous and they change constantly, even long after the certification process or a finalization of a land reform program. “The bottom-line is about reforming land-based social relations”. However, it is notable that even in areas where security of land tenure has been resolved, for example in official settlements project in the Amazon, several other issues haven’t been resolved, such as sustainable land use. Many variables haven’t been sufficiently or adequately studied, such as the educational level of these people, especially in rural areas. In this sense, this study aims to contribute in the discussions in the next topics. Environmental problems present in contemporary society, resulting from uneven and predator development model which was implemented,flood tray warn us to the need to motivate and sensitize the population to modify their behavior in order to ensure good quality and preservation of the environment with justice and social equity. According to Gadotti,to formation anew consciousness toward environmental preservation, it is necessary to associate the sustainability with education, considering that environment preservation depends on the ecological awareness, and it in turn depends on the education.For Gottlieb et al.  the education for sustainability is extremely important to break the unsustainable development models, increasing in the citizen the spirit of responsibility and solidarity among generations.In this context, Komiyama & Takeuchi  argue that sustainability emerges as the key issue for the society of the twenty-first century, as in its concept approaches the need for a balanced development with the environment,while ensuring fairness social for future generations. Coupled with sustainability,education plays a key role in controlling and overcoming the various crises present in society—environmental, economic, social and cultural—through the formation of citizens able to intervene consciously and responsible.

Related to this, Barbieri & Silva  assert it’s from that realization that education is being discussed in several international conferences as a key issue and essential to overcoming various environmental problems. But in all these conferences, there was some consensus that the formulation and implementation of an environmental education project  worldwide should be implemented at regional and local level, requiring the environmental heritage preservation.However, as Henriques et al. , Barbieri & Silva , the results achieved by EA over the years have been insufficient in the face of various problems present in the global society, being necessary to resort to a new education proposal contemplating a wider range of aspects in its approach. It was in this context of limitations and dissatisfactions on the advances promoted by EA throughout its existence, which gets a new proposal within the framework of the United Nations , called “Education for Sustainable Development” .According to UNESCO , EDS has as main feature the transversality,present in all curricular components, as it includes in its conception the many socio-cultural and political issues, as social equity, poverty, democracy and quality of life. Furthermore, EDS should promote critical thinking and problem solving; use multiple methods; encourage student participation in the decision-making process; integrate into daily routine the offered learning experiences;handle local and global issues, using the students’ common language.

Thus, EDS is defined as a continuous process for the entire life, in formal and non-formal context of teaching and learning; with a transdisciplinary approach to content and information, given the complexity of problems such as poverty,inequality, democracy, etc., and buoyed for and by solidarity values towards present and future generations; with citizens’ critical training to act effectively in promoting social, economic and environmental development; Furthermore, it should be guided by democratic principles and processes ensuring individuals anactive, conscious and responsible in dealing/solving the several problems present in society; and finally, the EDS should promote scientific and technological understanding of the issues treated in order to encourage the involvement of citizens in leading a more sustainable planet .