Additional information on model parameters can be found in the Supporting Information

Copper can also participate in a number of inorganic complexes with compounds found in natural waters, such as sulfate, sulfide, phosphate, chloride, and carbonate. The behavior of different Cu species in the environment is not well understood, and the formation of these various complexes may cause precipitation of ionic copper and alter the surface charge and therefore aggregation and dissolution kinetics of nanoparticulate copper. Solubility for the copper-based ENMs tested in this study have been seen to be enhanced at low pH and by the presence of organic coatings in previous research.Additionally, several copper nanomaterials including Cu2O and CuO have been shown to possess photocatalytic properties,which may pose greater hazard to organisms if suspended in photic surface waters than if sedimented into aphotic sediments. Size, coating, solubility,and photoactivity have all been implicated as playing roles in ENM toxicity and are all affected by water chemistry. Aggregate size is influenced by ionic strength and pH via charge regulation,whereby the effective repulsive surface charge of the ENMs is decreased through ionic shielding and surface de/protonation. Depending on their composition, organic surface coatings can stabilize or destabilize8 particles in suspension and through the same mechanisms alter interactions between organisms and ENMs.Previous research has shown that copper-based ENMs are toxic to a wide range of organisms, including fungi, aquatic and terrestrial plants,estuarine amphipods, daphnids and protozoa,marine worms and clams,and mussels.It is therefore necessary to develop our understanding of how these materials behave once released into the environment in order to predict at-risk populations and properly regulate their manufacture, use, and disposal.In this study,flood table the physiochemical behaviors of three different species of Cu-based ENMs were quantified in eight natural and artificial waters covering a range of IS, pH, and organic content to gain insight into how these particles may behave in the environment.

Additionally, equilibrium speciation modeling was performed to predict transformations of the Cu ENMs. Based on previous work, we hypothesized that aggregation would largely be controlled by the IS of the water, with more saline waters having greater aggregation due to surface charge shielding, and by the presence of dissolved organic matter that will increase electrostatic and steric repulsion between particles. Due to the propensity for larger, heavier aggregates to settle more rapidly, we hypothesized that sedimentation would be directly related to aggregation kinetics and hence controlled by IS and total organic content . We hypothesized that pH would be the key factor in dissolution with more dissolution occurring at lower pH and that the presence of TOC would also cause a small amount of dissolution. Additionally, we hypothesized that nano-Cu would have the greatest dissolution in oxic waters as it oxidized to Cu2+.Briefly, the nano-Cu and nano-CuO ENMs were in the form of a high purity powder with primary particle sizes of 100−1000 and 20−100 nm, respectively. Kocide 3000 is composed of spherical composites on the order of 50 μm made up of irregular nano- to micro-scale Cu2 particles embedded in a primarily carbon-based matrix that rapidly breaks down in water to release the Cu2 particles. These can be seen in the inset of Figure S1. Kocide 3000 was chosen as a representative of commercially available nanocopper containing bio-cides, which often contain other ingredients like dispersants. Properties of the five natural and three artificial waters used here can be found in Table 2, and details on collection and preparation can be found in the Supporting Information. Total organic carbon content of the eight waters was determined using a Shimadzu TOC 5000 analyzer. Conductivity was measured with a traceable bench conductivity meter , and pH was measured using a HACH HQ 40d portable meter.

Aggregation kinetics of Cu-based ENMs were measured by preparing 10 mg L−1 ENM suspensions in each water through dilution of a 100 mg L−1 stock, probe sonicating for 2 s at 20% amplitude with a Misonix Sonicator S-4000 , and then measuring size trends over time at 20 °C via dynamic light scattering . Measurements were taken every 30 s for 1 h. To measure sedimentation over time, the optical absorbency of suspensions identical to those described above were determined in triplicate every 6 min for 6 h at 320 nm with the exception of nano-Cu in lagoon water, seawater, and diluted seawater, which were measured at 520 nm at a concentration of 20 mg L−1 . Nano-Cu is the only of the three particles where copper is primarily in the zerovalent state, and as such it is able to participate in unique chemical reactions prior to oxidation to the +1 and +2 states. One of these is the temporary formation of copper chloride compounds in saline waters , which absorbs strongly at 320 nm, the spectral wavelength that was used to detect solid copper. To test the effects of phosphate on nano-CuO, the sedimentation rates, ζ-potential , and pH of 10 mg L−1 nano-CuO in Nanopure water with the addition of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 2 mg PO4 3− L−1 were measured in triplicate. To measure dissolution, ENM suspensions were prepared and stored at room temperature for 0, 1, 7, 14, 21, 30, 60, or 90 days, at which point they were transferred to Amicon Ultra-4 10 kDa centrifugal filter tubes and centrifuged at 4000g for 40 min with a swinging bucket rotor. Filter retention was insignificant.The filtrate was analyzed using a copper ion selective electrode under consistent lighting conditions to minimize light-induced interference. The filtrate was then oxidized with 1.2 vol % HNO3 and 0.9 vol % H2O2 and analyzed for total copper content via inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy , with a detection limit of 50 μg L−1 . Standard solutions were measured every 15 samples for quality assurance. Two parameters related to dissolution were quantified: dissolved copper , the total copper content of the ENMs present as free ions , and aqueous phasecopper , the total copper content of the ENMs in the filtrate, which includes dissolved copper, complexed copper 2, etc., and copper bound by ligands under 10 kDa. The ISE that was used to detect free ionic copper was capable of detecting both Cu1+ and Cu2+, both of which may have been shed by the nano-Cu ENMs, but since Cu1+ undergoes rapid disproportionation26 into Cu and Cu2+ and is readily oxidized to Cu2+ in oxic water , it is unlikely to be present as a free ion in any significant amount.

Visual MINTEQ was used to predict speciation and complex formation in the natural waters based on the parameters given in Table 2.Aggregation of nano-Cu and Cu2 particles was characterized by three phases in the 1 h time period measured: immediate aggregation to roughly 5−10 μm in the first few seconds postsonication, a downward trend in aggregate size from 0 to 10 min that was likely due to sedimentation of the largest aggregates out of the water column, and a stable phase in which aggregate diameters averaged 700−2000 nm. Aggregation of nano-Cu and nano-CuO followed the trends outlined in our hypothesis with a few instructive exceptions discussed below, but Cu2 had similar aggregation behaviors in all waters. The polydispersity indices reported from the DLS analysis for Cu2 and nano-Cu were near the arbitrary cutoff value of 1 at all time points in all waters, indicating very broad size distributions. Average aggregate size and statistical groupings for all three ENMs can be found in Table 3. AverageCu2 aggregate size in the third phase did not vary significantly with water type , which may be due to the large proportion of dispersants and other non-Cu ingredients in Kocide 3000. However, despite its high polydispersity, nano-Cu aggregate size correlated significantly with water type . Nano-Cu aggregate size correlated well with IS except in wastewater and storm runoff, which had the highest organic contents of the waters tested by a wide margin. In wastewater, nano-Cu aggregates were smaller than would be predicted by its moderate ionic strength,rolling benches but aggregates in storm runoff were comparable to those found in the most saline waters. This counter intuitive behavior may be explained by the very low rate of sedimentation of nano-Cu in storm runoff resulting in larger aggregates being retained in the zone measured by DLS. Nano-CuO displayed markedly different aggregation trends than the other two particles, aggregates being on average smaller and more monodisperse with PDIs ranging from 0.24−0.36. Additionally, aggregate size significantly increased with time in all waters except freshwater and storm runoff, where aggregate size decreased . Given that there was very little sedimentation or dissolution in these two waters over the measurement period, it appears that the low IS of the storm runoff and freshwater media caused disaggregation to occur. Further evidence for this can be found in previous work,3 which showed that nano-CuO aggregate size decreased over time in Nanopure water with up to 10 mM NaCl but that at higher ionic strength aggregation occurred. Table 3 shows nano-CuO aggregation has a strong positive correlation with IS for all waters but hydroponic media. The large average aggregate size in hydroponic media is likely a result of the decrease in electrostatic repulsion between particles caused by the pH of the media being near the isoelectric point for nano-CuO .Sedimentation kinetics for nano-Cu, Cu2, and nano-CuO over 6 h are shown in Figure 2. In general, sedimentation follows our hypothesis and shows a positive relationship with ionic strength and an inverse relationship with organic content. However, all three particles show different trends depending on their specific composition, and nano-CuO exhibited an unpredicted stabilizing effect due to the presence of phosphate. Cu2 remained relatively well suspended in all waters but groundwater likely due to the proprietary organic dispersants included in its formulation, which give it a high surface charge3 and a low bulk density.Nano-Cu was stable in high TOC waters, namely wastewater and storm runoff, and unstable in the rest. The instability of nano-Cu in hydroponic media may have been due to the low pH of the media causing increased dissolution and subsequent formation of insoluble Cu32 precipitate . Interestingly, aggregate size does not seem to correlate with sedimentation rate in any of the three ENMs tested here. This suggests that aggregate density , stabilizing coatings, and dissolution/ precipitation may be more important predictors of sedimentation rate.

Regardless of dispersants or oxidation state, all three particles were unstable in groundwater. This was likely due to the high bicarbonate and low chloride concentrations found in groundwater, resulting in the formation of insoluble copper carbonates. Speciation modeling predicts that in groundwater all three particles will precipitate as malachite 2) at equilibrium . Lagoon water and seawater also had relatively high amounts of HCO3 −, but due to their high Cl− content, atacamite 3) is predicted to be the dominant form at equilibrium. This suggests that these particles are unstable in saline waters. The trends in nano-CuO sedimentation rates can largely be explained as functions of water ionic strength and phosphate content, with waters being grouped into those with and without detectable PO4 3− and IS accounting for order within those groups . For example, waters with undetectable levels of PO4 3− had the highest sedimentation rates by a wide margin and showed increasing sedimentation with increasing IS. To further investigate these trends, the ζ-potential, pH, and sedimentation rates of nano-CuO in Nanopure water with increasing PO4 were measured. Nano-CuO sedimentation rates across a range of seawater/freshwater mixtures were also measured. Figure 3 shows that sedimentation rate increases linearly with IS and slows over time. This has implications for estuarine environments and other areas where waters of varying salinity mix, as it suggests nano-CuO and similar ENMs may sediment from the water column when moving from areas of low salinity to areas of high salinity. Figure 4 shows that PO4 3− has a variable effect on the sedimentation rate of nano-CuO in Nanopure water, causing increased sedimentation at the lowest concentration , decreased sedimentation from 0.2 to 0.5 mg L−1 , and having no effect at 1.0 or 2.0 mg L−1 PO4 3−. Phosphate is well-known for its ability to covalently bond to metal oxides,27,28 giving the potential to significantly alter their surface properties. Figure 5 shows that even at relatively low concentrations of PO4 3− , the ζ-potential of nano-CuO switches from positive to negative and becomes increasingly negative with increasing PO4 3− concentrations. This change in ζ-potential is likely due to the formation of a negatively charged layer of copper phosphate on the surface of the ENMs resulting in enhanced electrostatic repulsion, leading to the effects shown in Figure 4.