Feeding crop residues when they are unprocessed or untreated limits their intake

Maize stover was scored highest in abundance in first season, reduces slightly in second season then attains peak abundance in third season and reduces progressively in fourth season throughout the zone. The abundance levels of sweet potato vines were scored highest in first season reduces in second season, increases progressively to attain its peak abundance in third season, in fourth season it moves down then starts increasing again towards the end of the season. It was noted that most frequently utilized crop residues are highest in abundance in third season and lowest in fourth season. Maize stovers were highest in abundance in Jinja district in first season, while the rest of the districts hit their peak abundance in third season. Ground nuts haulms were moderately abundant in fourth season in Jinja district while in the rest of the districts it was lowest in fourth season. Crop residues are fibrous parts of crops that remain after those edible to human beings have been removed.

Through their digestive adaptations, hydroponic nft channel primarily based on the degradation of fibrous materials by microbes in the rumen , ruminant animals have the unique capacity to utilize these otherwise useless by-products. This indicates that in dairy cattle feeding system, crop residues can replace roughages in rations, reducing the competition on cereals between human beings, monogastic and ruminant animals. Crop residues are readily available in LVZ, cheap feed resource because the grain which is the main marketable product takes care of the production costs.The major crop residues available in the study areas were established as maize stover, sweet potato vines,sugar cane tops, ground nuts haulms and banana peels. Maize stover was ranked a major crop residue available and utilizable in smallholder dairy farming system in LVZ of Uganda, the study area. It was also established that with increased crop failures due to prolonged drought, as has become more frequent even in the LVZ large acreages of maize crops would be available for conversion into feed for smallholder dairy farms. Uganda currently ranks with the highest potential of maize production for export among the countries in the East, Centra land Southern African region where maize is the staple food .

If this potential is exploited, the massive quantities of maize stover generated will be a major feed resource for smallholder dairy farmers. Furthermore, rankings of spatial and temporal variability of crop residues indicate that first season  was the main harvest period, which explained the abundance of the crop residues in second season .This is in line with studies by  who noted that variations in availability of crop residues as major factors constraining their utilization. Furthermore, suggesting that interventions to enhance utilization of crop residues in LVZ should prioritize maize stover. However, its nutritive value is low,nft growing system research should be directed towards enhancing its crude protein content, improving its digestibility and reduction on its crude fibre.While there are prospects to improve the nutritive value of crop residues in LVZ through supplementation,simple treatment, processing and preservation methods, maize stover and sweet potato vain were fed without much attention to improve their nutritive values. The only method undertaken by number of respondents was physical processing .

Integrating crop residues with forage legumes improves rumen microbial degradation of crop residues by supplying nitrogen to the rumen microbes which increases digestibility and intake of poor quality feed.Nitrogen supplementation in the rumen environment deficient of nitrogen leads to increased dry matter digestibility and voluntary feed intake . Furthermore,feeding small amounts of naturally occurring high protein supplement such as brewers spent grain also improves the nutritive value of crop residues . Biological treatment of maize stover utilizing mushroom fungi through fermentation, is another alternative to convert maize straw into high nutritive value dairy cattle feed .Maintaining access to sufficient quality and quantity of nutrition is vital for milk production in the dairy cattle. Although crop residues are important feed resources they are low in nutritive value  and poor storage methods  practiced by farmers predisposes them to rain and sunlight resulting into further deterioration in quality .